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The following list is my current test result. If you are willing to contribute your testing results, please login (register an account) and edit this page. Thanks!

The following issues surrounding research on this area that are of theoretical relevance and practical importance were addressed: (1) a theoretical model that would guide research into limb apraxia; (2) assessment and analysis of error types involving obs 本文章解析与学理和临床相关的文献,其内容包括以下四项:一、引导研究进行之理论模式;二、错误形式的评估与分析,包括以观察法所提供的叙述、脑伤侧边对肢体性动作失用症状表现的影响,以及使用现代动作分析仪对该症状了解的重要性;三、以身体当作所要操控之物体的病理徵状之意义,同时亦探讨该症状与失用症的关联;四、针对治疗手法加以著墨。
The following item is a piano solo by Jackson. 下一个节目是杰克逊表演的钢琴独奏。
The following links point to useful sources of information on current issues in patent law and entrepreneurship. 下面的链接指向对于当前的一些专利法和工商创业所面临的问题有用的信息资源。
The following list comprises both official and unofficial ROMs. Official ROMs are supported by Mitac and unofficial ones are not. 下面的列表包含官方的和非官方的固件。官方的固件有神达的支持,而非官方的没有。
The following list explains the main data structures defined and used by the bridging code. All of them have dedicated sections with field-by-field descriptions in Chapter 17. 下面的列表解释了桥源代码中定义和使用的主要的数据结构。在17节中会对每个域逐个解释。
The following list is my current test result. If you are willing to contribute your testing results, please login (register an account) and edit this page. Thanks! 本页的列表是现在已经测试的结果。如果你希望分享你的测试结果,请注册用户登录后直接修改这个页面,谢谢。
The following list is not meant to be exhaustive, but should serve as a reminder for the shipboard operation in cold weather. 以下所列并非面面俱到,但应可做为船上于严寒气候下之操作参考,时刻保持警觉。
The following list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese). 以下记录摘自访客中心记录板、米埔雀鸟记录册、香港观鸟会新闻组及观鸟热线。
The following lists the minimum recommended disk space requirements for a basic workstation installation. 下面的列表是一个基本工作站安装需要的推荐的最小硬盘空间.
The following logos aren't supposed to represent the quality of logo designs with leaves, but the trend we observe on the Web. 下面的标志作品不一定是高质量的设计作品,但是这是一种网页趋势。
The following make smuggling more likely: street selling, sales in pubs and bars, lack of tax stamps, relatively high and increasing prices, and prohibitions and restrictions on the sale and manufacture of international brands. 下面的情况使走私更为可能:街边销售、酒吧和酒馆销售、税票的缺乏、相对高并上涨的价格以及对世界品牌香烟的销售和生产予以禁止和限制。

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