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Studies on the Reaction Mechanism of the Selective Oxidation of Propane to Acrolein Over MoPO/SiO_ Catalyst

Studies on the Polycondensation of Friedel-CraftsReaction for Aralkyl Ethers and Aromatics (Ⅱ) Kinetics and Mechanism of Polycondensation 在Freidel-Crafts反应型催化剂作用下的芳烷基醚与芳香族化合物缩聚反应的研究——(Ⅱ)缩聚反应动力学及机理
Studies on the Polyene Macrolide Antibiotic Natamycin 多烯大环抗真菌剂纳他霉素的研究
Studies on the Procedure of Criminal Cases Investigation——Taking the Kidnap Case as an Example 对犯罪案件侦查过程的研究——以绑架案件为例
Studies on the Properties and Bioactivity of Lymphocyte Chalone 淋巴细胞抑裂素的理化性质及生物活性研究
Studies on the Quality Control and Pharmacokinetics of Rutin Deca(H-) Sulfate Sodium 十取代芦丁硫酸钠的质量控制和药物代谢动力学研究
Studies on the Reaction Mechanism of the Selective Oxidation of Propane to Acrolein Over MoPO/SiO_ Catalyst MoPO/SiO_催化剂上丙烷选择氧化制丙烯醛反应机理的研究
Studies on the Relationship between the Metabolism of Sucrose and Starch and Grain Yield in Hybrid Rice 杂交水稻蔗糖淀粉代谢与产量关系的研究
Studies on the Reproductive Toxicology of Cadmium in Male Animals 镉的雄性动物生殖毒理学的研究
Studies on the Ringed SpheruHtes of Nylon 00 尼龙00环状球晶的研究
Studies on the Selection Strategy of High Sucrose Clones in Sugarcane F_ 甘蔗F_代高糖无性系的选择策略探讨
Studies on the Smoking Technologies of Sardine and Mackerel 沙丁鱼和鲐鱼的熏制加工研究

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