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She put her arm round his shoulders.

She put away her ancient Chinese harp, picked up the brush-pen, and embarked on a journey of meeting friends through Chinese calligraphy. 这位来自北京的艺术爱好者,藏起了古琴,拿起了毛笔,以书画会友,展开了她的“书缘”。
She put away her compact and smiled kindly. 那位妇女答道。她放好了粉盒,慈祥地微笑着。
She put away the milk, the orange, the biscuits and the cat food, then struggled to slide the two pizza's into an already crowded freezer spraying tiny shards of ice across the floor. 她放好那些牛奶,橙子,饼干和猫食,然后试图把两块比萨饼塞入已经满满的冒着冷气的冰箱里。
She put complete reliance on him. 她完全信赖他。
She put down all things on the bed. 她把她所有的东西都堆在了床上.
She put her arm round his shoulders. 她的一只手臂搭在他的双肩上.
She put her bicycle by the curb. 她把脚踏车停在路旁。
She put her clothes in the drier, so she could wear them this afternoon. 她把衣服放在干衣机里,这样她下午就能穿这些衣服了。
She put her clothes in the dryer, so she could wear them this afternoon. 她把衣服放在干衣机里,这样她下午就能穿这些衣服了。
She put her hand to her forehead and sighed deeply, determined to get ahold of herself. 她一手扶住额头,深深叹了口气,决心让自己冷静下来。
She put her hand to the tent peg, And her right hand to the workman's hammer; Then she struck Sisera; she smashed his head; Indeed she shattered and pierced his temples. 26雅亿伸手拿着帐棚的橛子,伸右手拿着匠人的锤子,击打西西拉,打伤他的头,把他的鬓角打破穿通。

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