Ma Qun Qi Ma Qun Qi, a new opear singer, come from Guang Zhou, Her famous song for Hong Kong return is called. Hong Kong 1997, which also with a nice MTV. |
中文意思: 马群琪马群琪,美声唱法歌手,1997年香港回归时,她的MTV作品“香港1997”传送海内外,她同时还来到澳洲演出。 |
Ma Jun asks: can markets save the environment?
马军询问:市场能挽救环境吗? |
Ma Jun on the pollution crisis in Taihu Lake.
马军探讨太湖污染危机。 |
Ma Jun reports on the failure of China's Green GDP experiment.
马军探讨绿色GDP在中国的失败。 |
Ma Ling was a good boy. He hleped people.
马良是个好男孩,他帮助人们。 |
Ma Ma do you remember, the old straw hat you gave to me, I lost that hat long ago, flew to the foggy canyon.
妈妈你记得,你给了我那的旧稻草帽子,我很久以前失去了那顶帽子,飞到了模糊的峡谷。 |
Ma Qun Qi Ma Qun Qi, a new opear singer, come from Guang Zhou, Her famous song for Hong Kong return is called. Hong Kong 1997, which also with a nice MTV.
马群琪马群琪,美声唱法歌手,1997年香港回归时,她的MTV作品“香港1997”传送海内外,她同时还来到澳洲演出。 |
Ma Shanjun, Yang Qianli, Li Xiaoqing, Formating Double Layer Mechanism By Electric Charged Particle Stream In Plasma, Acta Physica Sinica (Overseas Edition) Vol.7, No.8 (1998) 576--582.
马善钧,等离子体在高频调制场作用下形成自生磁场的机制,物理学报,第50卷,第9期,(2001)1729--1736。 |
Ma Shengli and Ma Jin, Frictional behavior of faults with quartz and calcite gouge at elevated temperature and pressure, Acta Seismologica Sinica, 2, 1.
马胜利,马瑾,1988,高温高压下石英和方解石断层带的摩擦滑动性状,地震学报,10,1。 |
Ma Shijie's courseware “Mascot Design” got the second place this time.
音美组马世杰创作的《设计吉祥物》在沙河口区第四届教师课件评选活动中荣获二等奖。 |
Ma Tsai-Chuan (2001) Bridging Gaps between Agency and Structure in the Labour Policy Process: a Policy Network Analysis.
马财专(2001)全球化劳力转移对台湾劳动政策发展之影响--一个结构性的初探。 |
Ma Wu asked the hostler, Where do the weeds grow?
马武问马夫:“治病的猪耳草长在什么地方啊?” |