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The environment in DHV is facing the serious vulnerable period in the history due to its nature situation of half-year dry period, fragile geological structure and shallow soil, and its social situation of over dense population and over farming.

The envelope's seal was torn open. 信封封缄被撕开了。
The envelopes carry advertisements on the back, and the person requesting them also has to agree to receive advertising by mail or email from the participating companies, a company spokesman said. 那家公司的一位发言人表示,这些信封的背面均印有广告,此外,申请使用它们的消费者还必须做出承诺,确认自己愿意通过传统邮件或电子邮件的方式来接收参与此项活动的各家公司寄来的广告。
The envious praises me unknowingly. 妒忌我的人在无意中赞扬了我.
The envirenment of the animal live being worsen all the time . 动物生长的自然环境一直在恶化。
The environment here includes social environment, but mainly refers to physical environment, which includes noise, crowdedness, air quality, temperature, building design, individual space, etc. 这里所说的环境虽然也包括社会环境,但主要是指物理环境,包括噪音、拥挤、空气质量、温度、建筑设计、个人空间等等。
The environment in DHV is facing the serious vulnerable period in the history due to its nature situation of half-year dry period, fragile geological structure and shallow soil, and its social situation of over dense population and over farming. 由于干热河谷地区的地质结构不稳定、土层浅薄、人口膨胀、过度耕种,尤其长达半年的旱季等原因,导致该地区的生态环境处于极端的脆弱阶段。
The environment is also better, which contributes to higher quality,” says Bj?rn Rosengren, President, Atlas Copco Construction and Mining Technique. 新工厂的环境所更好了,这也会让我们生产出更优质的产品。
The environment is excellent, but the food is really nothing to write home about. 环境不错,可是菜肴的味道很一般。
The environment is favorable for the formation oil and gas; (4)although the sedimentary environment in the two basins is cardinally identical, the evolution and difference in climate and sedimentary environemt decided the divergence of biotic characters i 尽管两大盆地在沉积环境的演化上大体一致,但气候和沉积环境的演变和差异决定了两大断陷盆地生物面貌上的差异,从而直接控制了化石燃料形成的类型和质量。
The environment is peaceful in the district, the house type is moderate, is a light spot building near the road of Ping Xing Pass. 小区内环境幽静,房型适中,是平型关路附近的一个亮点楼盘。
The environment of air in Menshan mountain is fresh and clean due to large amount of negative ion of oxygen in the air which the content reach about 2.2million per cu.cm, 4400 times of common air. 蒙山大气环境清新宜人,每立方厘米空气中负氧离子含量高达220万个,是空气中负氧离子的4400倍,被喻为“天然氧吧、养生圣地、长寿摇篮”。

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