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[Objective] To study the risk factors on cardiac complication in open thoracoscopy under local anesthesia and consider the countermeasures.

Objective To study the relationship of CD34 expression with the formation of new vasculture and lymphnode metastasis in gastric cancer tissue. 目的研究T_3期胃癌CD34与胃癌新生血管形成及淋巴结转移的关系。
Objective To investigate the distribution of free zinc ions and β-amyloid precursor protein (APP) in the senile plaques of an Alzheimer s diseased animal model,the APP/PS1 transgenic mouse. 目的研究阿尔茨海默病(AD)动物模型-APP/PS1转基因鼠大脑内游离锌离子和β淀粉样蛋白前体蛋白(APP)在老年斑内的分布。
Objective To determine whether umbilical artery lactate level were significantly different in infant with or without intrapartum meconium-stained amniotic fluid (MSAF). 目的研究产时羊水粪染(meconium-staindamnioticfluid,MSAF)新生儿脐动脉血乳酸水平的变化及与血气分析新生儿结局的关系。
Methods The dissolution rate of total saponins from superfine Radix notoginseng with different particle size was determined by UV,and then the resolution rate data were collected and analyzed recursively. 目的研究超微三七饮片中皂苷的溶出动力学与溶出特性。
Aim To study the LDPE surface heparinization with plasma initiation technique, and antithrombogenicity and tissue compatibility of heparinizing LDPE surface. 目的研究等离子体引发低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)表面肝素化以及肝素化LDPE表面抗凝血性和组织相容性。
[Objective] To study the risk factors on cardiac complication in open thoracoscopy under local anesthesia and consider the countermeasures. 目的研究局部麻醉下内科胸腔镜术中心脏并发症危险因素,并探讨相应对策。
Objective: To study the influence of Liuwei Dihuang Decoction against the thrombus. 目的研究六味地黄汤及其配伍对血栓形成的影响。
Their urethral secretions, prostate fluid and spermatie fluid were collected and made ureaplasma urealyticum(UU) culture. 目的研究男性生殖道不同部位支原体感染与不育症之间的关系。
Objective To detect the expression of β-NGF,p75NTR and hair follicle stem cell specific markers in vibrissa hair follicle of rat embryo. 目的研究胚胎大鼠触须毛囊隆突区β-神经生长因子(β-NGF)、p75神经营养因子受体(p75NTR)与毛囊干细胞特异标志物的表达规律。
Objective To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy and the radiation complication of three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy(3DCRT) combined Docetaxol in patients with locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC). 目的研究三维适形放射治疗联合多西紫杉醇同期化疗治疗局部晚期非小细胞肺癌的疗效和毒副作用。
Objective To investigate the effects of neural stem cells transplantation on electroencephalogram in epileptic rats, and provide some theoretical bases on the therapy of epilepsy with neural stem cells transplantation. 目的研究神经干细胞移植对癫癎鼠脑电的影响,为神经干细胞移植治疗癫癎提供理论依据。

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