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So it's all good news for egg lovers.

So it would be the sniperunits that will determine who wins the war (German U-boats completely setup a blockade of ships towards England, the power of the sea at that time already lies on submarines). 那是因为当时对于潜艇的侦测没有像现在如此发达,深水武器也没有现在进步,但是当然,若使用核子弹,一艘潜艇就可以毁掉一个国家(或地球)。
So it'll be David Dein instead. 因此大卫-戴恩将取而代之。
So it'll be easier to use your paper prototype if you scale it up a bit. 所以,放大一点原型,会原型更容易使用,同时,从一定的距离更容易观看,这点很重要,因为原型通常平放在桌子上。
So it's a happy ending there. 所以总算有个大团圆的结局。
So it's absolutely necessary to think about somebody else? 那么你有必要想想其他人。
So it's all good news for egg lovers. 这对爱吃鸡蛋的人来说,可是百利而无一害的好消息。
So it's already scrubbed the launch. 所以他已经推迟发射。
So it's also essential to calculate and check their strength of the major components, analyse and appraise influence of the unit lifespan. 因此,对其主要部件的强度必须予以计算和校核,对机组的寿命影响予以分析和评价。
So it's better for us to adopt D/P or D/A. 因此,最好是采用付款交单方式或承兑交单方式。
So it's got to be good for us mere mortals3, right? 它也开始让我们普通人受益了,不是吗?
So it's hard to see the Nets and president Rod Thorn investing big bucks over six years in a surly star who isn't a leader. 因此很难想象网队和总裁索恩能把大把银子花在一个脾气粗暴却又不能担当领袖的球星身上超过六年。

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