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At the beginning of Jehovah's speaking to Hosea, Jehovah said to Hosea, Go, take to yourself a wife of harlotries And children of harlotries, For the land is entirely given over to harlotry, And thus departs from Jehovah.

At the beginning he would always hand out an outline of the lecture. 在演讲开始时,他总是先分发一份提纲。
At the beginning of 1920s, CHEN Du-xiu and OU Sheng-bai had a fierce debate on anarchism by letters, which focused on freedom, unity, law and contract, class war and power centralization. 摘要20世纪20年代初,陈独秀和区声白通过书信往来针对无政府主义展开了激烈论战,焦点集中在关于自由、联合、法律与契约、阶级战争与权力集中四个方面。
At the beginning of 2003, Hong Kong Fury company introduced advanced technology from Germany and Japan and commenced to start production lines in Chinese continent;With the favorable reception from the newspaper office and large photomechanical plant with 在03年初,香港富日公司从德国、日本引进世界顶尖技术,在中国大陆开设大型的生产线;在两年间经过国内各大报社及大型胶印厂的使用好评,“富日”良好的口碑得到迅速的推广。
At the beginning of 2003, while most enterprises of suitcases and bags are still seeking for large volume production, Caaran.y has hired management experts from Toyota Motor of Japan, Japan Fashion Association and domestically famous lean production consu 2003年初,当绝大多数箱包企业还致力于大批量生产时,卡拉扬已经聘请了日本丰田汽车公司、日本服装协会及国内著名的精益生产顾问公司的管理专家,对公司的生产管理进行全方位的诊断和咨询。
At the beginning of Harry's 6th year at Hogwarts, Dumbledore and Harry convince a genial wizard named Horace Slughorn to come out of retirement to teach Potions. 在哈利六年级开始的时候,邓不利多和他成功地说服了一位叫霍拉斯?斯拉格霍恩的亲切的巫师走出退休的日子,回到霍格沃茨教授魔药学。
At the beginning of Jehovah's speaking to Hosea, Jehovah said to Hosea, Go, take to yourself a wife of harlotries And children of harlotries, For the land is entirely given over to harlotry, And thus departs from Jehovah. 2耶和华初次与何西阿说话,对他说,你去娶淫妇为妻,也收那从淫乱所生的儿女,因为这地大行淫乱,离弃耶和华。
At the beginning of October, Holmes was spotted in Italy after a quick shopping trip in Paris where she reportedly chose her wedding dress. 十月初,有人在意大利看到赫尔姆斯,之前她在巴黎短暂停留购物,据说是选购结婚当日的行头。
At the beginning of Olympic Games,only the men athletes can be in the running. 在奥林匹克运动会早期,只有男性运动员才能参加比赛。
At the beginning of Y2K, the company separated some parts of its workshop to set up Shanghai SEPR Zirconium products Co., Ltd. jointly with Societe Euiopeenne Des produits Refractaires, France. 千禧年之初,公司部分车间又与法国欧洲耐火材料公司合资创建——上海西普锆制品有限公司。
At the beginning of class 4, we will choose at random one speaker from each side, who will make brief oral presentations of their position on the debate question. 第4课开始时,将从每组随意选择一名发言人,把该组在这问题上的立场做简要的口头陈述。
At the beginning of each group are summary listings of all applicable essential tools, service equipment and tools, other materials needed to do the job, service parts kits, specifications, wear tolerances, and torque values. 修理部分包含部件修理所需要的说明,操作测试部分帮助您迅速地找出大多数日常故障。

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