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Identify the core random matrix question that needs to be solved to tackle the generalization.

Identify internal audit resource requirements. 识别内部审计资源需求。
Identify quality system documentation requirements for Workplace Health &Safety and ensure these are met. 确定质量体系文件要求的工作区域的安全和健康,确保两者之间吻合。
Identify self-imposed obstacles that are keeping you and your team from achieving your potential. 认别自己内在的阻碍——即认别阻止个人及团队充分发挥潜力的障碍。
Identify situations in which you tend to overeat and think of coping strategies for these times. 首先要明确是哪些事物使你能不停的开吃;然后就要考虑当这些事物摆在面前的时候如何对付它们的对策。
Identify six signs or symptoms of respiratory difficulty. 识别呼吸困难的六个症状或体征。
Identify the core random matrix question that needs to be solved to tackle the generalization. 识别随机矩阵核心问题,解决它们以处理一般性问题。
Identify the core values of RI as they pertain to matters of governance, and incorporate such values into the constitution documents and the code of policies. 找出例如有关管理方面的事宜之国际扶轮的核心价值,并将这样的价值列入扶轮章程文件及政策汇编。
Identify the different external factors, system configuration parameters and internal factors which affect performance. It will be a good idea to brainstorm and come up with a fish-bone diagram. 确定不同的外部条件、系统配置参数以及能够影响性能的内部因素。使用头脑风暴法以及鱼骨图会是个不错的主意。
Identify the meeting place in advance and provide directions to reach there along with the meeting request. 提前确定会议地点,在发出与会邀请时提供路线图。
Identify the origin of data. 识别出数据的来源。
Identify the personal characteristics and behaviours required for this job. 辨别岗位需要的个性与行为。

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