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Article 452 This Law shall go into effect as of October 1, 1997.

Article 45. Both parents shall enjoy the equal right to guardianship of their minor child (children). 第四十五条父母双方对未成年子女享有平等的监护权。
Article 45. Except as otherwise provided in Articles 50 and 69 of this Law, the term of fixed-term imprisonment is not less than six months and not more than fifteen years. 第四十五条有期徒刑的期限,除本法第五十条、第六十九条规定外,为六个月以上十五年以下。
Article 45. The factory director shall be the legal representative of the enterprise. 第四十五条厂长是企业的法定代表人。
Article 45.Commencing with the 1994 Tax Year, individual income tax shall be computed, levied and collected in accordance with the Tax Law and these Regulations. 第四十五条1994年纳税年度起,个人所得税依照税法以及本条例的规定计算征收。
Article 450 This Chapter shall apply to officers, civilian staff, soldiers in active service and cadets with military status of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, police officers, civilian staff and soldiers in active service and cadets with military s 第四百五十条本章适用于中国人民解放军的现役军官、文职干部、士兵及具有军籍的学员和中国人民武装警察部队的现役警官、文职干部、士兵及具有军籍的学员以及执行军事任务的预备役人员和其他人员。
Article 452 This Law shall go into effect as of October 1, 1997. 第四百五十二条本法自1997年10月1日起施行。
Article 46 A Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school shall make liquidation in accordance with law upon termination. 第四十六条中外合作办学机构终止时,应当依法进行财务清算。
Article 46 A business operator that provides a commodity by mail order must provide such commodity in accordance with the agreement. 第四十六条经营者以邮购方式提供商品的,应当按照约定提供。
Article 46 A party that applies for reexamination in accordance with the provisions of Articles 21, 22 and 35 of the Trademark Law and those of Articles 23 and 25 of these Rules shall perform the formalities within the prescribed time limit. 第四十六条依照《商标法》第二十一条、第二十二条、第三十五条和本实施细则第二十三条、第二十五条规定申请复审的,当事人应当在规定的期限内办理。
Article 46 A person who impersonates a lawyer and provides legal services shall be ordered by the public security authorities to cease the illegal practice of law, which shall confiscate his illegal income and may also impose a fine of no more than 5,000 第四十六条冒充律师从事法律服务的,由公安机关责令停止非法执业,没收违法所得,可以并处五千元以下罚款、十五日以下拘留。
Article 46 Aliens who travel to areas closed to aliens without prior permission in contravention of the provisions of Articles 34, 36 and 37 of the present Rules may be served a warning or fined up to 500 yuan (RMB), and those whose offenses are serious m 第四十六条对违反本实施细则第三十四、三十六、三十七条规定,未经批准前往不对外国人开放地区旅行的外国人,可以处警告或者500元以下的罚款;情节严重的,并处限期出境。

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