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Jaron (New Orleans): Who was the hardest person you've ever had to defend?

Jardine Enterprise Ltd. is a professional furniture trading company. 强新企业有限公司为家俱外销之专业贸易商。
Jared lived one hundred and sixty-two years, and became the father of Enoch. 创5:18雅列活到一百六十二岁、生了以诺。
Jared:In Baltimore, Easter time is thoroughly religious, so most people spend the day in church. 在巴尔的摩市复活节是具有很浓重的宗教色彩的,大部分人都在教堂里度过这一天。
Jaret Wright has moved ahead of a slumping Cory Lidle, who has been hampered by tendinitis in his right index finger. 怀特已经取代莱多先发的位置,因未莱多的右手指有点问题。
Jarman, A. P., et al. Atonal is a proneural gene that directs chordotonal organ formation in the Drosophila peripheral nervous system.Cell 73, 7 (1993): 1307-21. 等,〈非弦音是一个颈板基因,它指引果蝇外围神经系统中弦音感受器官的形成〉,《细胞》73,7(1993):1307-21.
Jaron (New Orleans): Who was the hardest person you've ever had to defend? 球迷己:谁是你防守过的球员中最厉害的?
Jaroslaw, who pretended to be the prince, passed the ruins daily on his way to work as a director of the town's community center. 扮演王子的雅罗斯劳是市社会服务中心主任,每天上下班都路经这片废墟。
Jarvis LM ,Davidson F,Hanley JP ,et al. Infection with hepatitis G virus among recipients of plasma products〔J〕. Lancet, 1996, 348: 1352. 王佑春,庄辉,吴晓春.我国部分地区献血员庚型肝炎病毒感染情况调查[J].中国公共卫生,1997,3(11):657.
Jarvis died in 1948 at the age of 84. 加维斯于1948年去世,享年84岁。
Jas. 1:1 James, a slave of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes in the dispersion: Rejoice! 雅一1神和主耶稣基督的奴仆雅各,写信给散居的十二个支派:愿你们喜乐。
Jas. 1:11 For the sun rises with its scorching heat and withers the grass, and its flower falls off, and the beauty of its appearance is destroyed; so also the rich man will fade away in his pursuits. 雅一11太阳升起,热气薰烤,草就枯乾,花也凋谢,美容就消没了;那富足的人在他所行的事上,也要这样衰残。

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