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Trimethylsiloxyoxopropyl-methyldichlorosilane and ethoxyoxopropyl-methyldichlorosilane were synthesized by Hydrosilylation, and were triply co-hydrolyzed, resp., with trifluoropropyl-methyldichlorosilane and trimethylchlorosilane followed by acid-catalyze

Trim off the woodsy bottoms of the asparagus stalks and cut asparagus stalks in half. Reserve the spear parts for other use. Dice the lower portion of the asparagus. 将芦笋粗皮削去不用,然后切为两半,笋尖部分留作它用。尾部切成细丁状。
Trim roots and ends from scallions and discard. Wash well, and dry with paper towel. Cut crosswise into 3-inch pieces. Slice pieces lengthwise as thinly as possible. 切去大葱的根部。洗净,用纸巾擦干。将大葱斜切成3-英寸长的段。然后将大葱尽可能的切细。
Trim the lower beard to blend in with the rest. 修剪使得短的胡子和其他的毛很好的过渡。
Trim... 修整...
Trim: Outside edge must be 1/2. From Jacket finished edges at neckline, front edge, bottom edge, sleeve bottom edge. 装饰:外边必须是1/2,从夹克成品的领口边,前边,底边,袖口底边量起.
Trimethylsiloxyoxopropyl-methyldichlorosilane and ethoxyoxopropyl-methyldichlorosilane were synthesized by Hydrosilylation, and were triply co-hydrolyzed, resp., with trifluoropropyl-methyldichlorosilane and trimethylchlorosilane followed by acid-catalyze 摘要通过硅氢加成反应合成了三甲基硅氧羰丙基-甲基二氯硅烷和乙氧羰丙基-甲基二氯硅烷,再分别与三氟丙基-甲基二氯硅烷和三甲基氯硅烷三元共水解,经酸催化平衡得到一定分子质量的酯基氟硅油。
Trimming device makes it possible to cut profiles at scale and adjust tightness of glazing bead after installing according to requirements. 微调装置,既可按刻度尺下料,也可根据需要调整压条安装后的松紧程度。
Trimming is not acceptable except to provide a clean cut appearance of feet. Dogs are not to be penalized if shown with a summer coat. 人为的修剪不必要,除非是使脚部变得干净。公犬不应为夏季被毛而遭到处罚。
Trina: Good. Second, turn your cell phone off. Don't you know that the ring bothers all of us? 很好,第二.把行动电话关机。你不知道铃声会吵到大家吗?
Trina: OK, let me tell you. The people in Portugal do this trick as their tradition on their April Fool's Day. 好吧,我告诉你,这是葡萄牙人在愚人节的传统整人把戏。
Trina: Yep, sort of. Don't you know that there are many rules in the computer center? 对,算是吧。你不知道电算中心有很多规定吗?

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