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A brandy distilled from white wine and produced in the vicinity of Cognac.

A brand new approach to treating severe nerve pain - by aiming drugs at a previously unrecognized molecular target - has been discovered by University of Utah scientists who study the venoms of deadly, sea-dwelling cone snails. 从事海洋芋螺剧毒毒液研究的美国犹他州大学的科学家发现,芋螺毒素可通过以往未知的分子靶点,治疗严重的神经疼痛。
A brand new design for Monaco, with completely different main profile and flaps. 一个崭新的设计,完全不同于以往主体结构或是襟翼的外观。
A brand new multiplayer component will include player rankings, leagues and ladders and completely new gameplay modes. 一个新的多人连线模式将会拥有玩家的等级、同盟、天梯和全新的游戏模式。
A brand new pure ice-cream cake has appeared. Translucent, pure milk, pretty design and exquisite form...it's delicate and tempting brilliance will dance before your eyes. 全新的纯冰淇淋蛋糕已经亮相。晶莹纯粹的牛奶、美伦美奂的图案、精致可爱的造型……在你眼眸里跳动的永远是道不尽的惊喜与精彩。
A brandy distilled from white and produced in the vicinity of Cognac. 科涅克白兰地:产于科涅克附近,由白葡萄蒸馏而得的一种白兰地酒。
A brandy distilled from white wine and produced in the vicinity of Cognac. 法国白兰地酒由白葡萄酒蒸馏获得的一种白兰地酒,产于科涅克附近
A brash young man who wants only to work for himself proceeds to set up his own business, starting with a hamburger franchise for which he borrows money. 一个颇为自信的年轻人只想为自己工作,于是借钱开一家汉堡包特许经营店,做起了自己的生意。
A brass band ended the parade. 铜管乐队帮这场游行作收尾。
A brass wind instrument, such as a trombone or tuba. 喇叭铜制管乐器,例如长号或大号
A brave and honest man will speak out. 一个勇敢和诚实的人大胆说话。
A brave arm makes a short sword long. 一个勇敢的人,手中的短刃也会变成长剑。

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