Please leave it alone .
请别理它 。 |
Please leave me a seat in the reading room.
请在阅览室里为了留个座位。 |
Please leave me alone.
请别打扰我。 |
Please leave the apple-box as it is.
请把苹果箱照原样放好。 |
Please leave the digression, and get down to the business matter.
请不要把话题再扯远了,还是谈正事吧。 |
Please leave the door latch shut.
请把门闩上。 |
Please leave them outside your room tomorrow morning.
明早,请将行李放在你的门口。 |
Please leave us for a minute or so, I have some private business to transact with your brother.
你请先回避一分钟左右,我与你兄弟有些私事要处理。 |
Please leave us your message should you have any comments on pre-school education or on the works of the Kindergarten so that we could share your idea and opinion.
若阁下对学前教育或本园工作有任可意见,请在留言板留下你的意见,让我们一同分享。 |
Please leave word with my secretary if you can't come.
你要是不来,请给我的秘书留话。 |
Please leave you name and contact info, The deadline is Jan 4th.
请留下姓名和联系方式,截至日期为1月4号。 |