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Of late, though, some of the most bold, even brazen, attacks are being blamed on the Chinese authorities.

Of interest, the levels of these opioids appears to be quite dynamic, with a number of influences. 有趣的是,这些阿片受体易受影响而处于动态变化之中。
Of labor you shall find the sum. 整日的劳累终有所抱。
Of labour you shall find the sum. 整日的劳累终有所报。
Of late, many of the PIL activists in the country have found the PIL as a handy tool of harassment since frivolous cases could be filed without investment of heavy court fees as required in private civil litigation and deals could then be negotiated with 近来,许多讼棍发现此为趁手的骚扰手段,因芝麻小事也可提出告诉,且不必像民事诉讼花大钱,然后取得法院的延缓令,与受害者谈判和解(而得利)。
Of late, payments have been quite irregularly made, and more than one occasion we have had to press for them. 该公司最近在付款方面几乎没有准则,我们曾一再催告,然而毫无结果。
Of late, though, some of the most bold, even brazen, attacks are being blamed on the Chinese authorities. 然而,近来一些最大胆无礼、甚至最厚颜无耻的攻击则被指来自中国当局。
Of less than normal intellect. 低能的低于正常智力的
Of limited or average quality; mediocre. 平凡的,普通的有限的或一般的性质的;普通的
Of mammals only humans and some primates enjoy color vision. 在哺乳类动物中,只有人和一些灵长目动物能够分辨颜色。
Of many far wiser than we-- 比那些智慧胜于我们的人——
Of melodies pure and true, 真实、纯净的旋律,

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