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This high magnification of the atheroma shows numerous foam cells and an occasional cholesterol cleft. A few dark blue inflammatory cells are scattered within the atheroma.

This hero of the skies is always ready to swoop in for the rescue. 这个翱翔天空的英雄时刻准备着扑身而下进行施救。
This hides each kludge inside a function. 这可以把每个组装件隐藏到一个函数中。
This high - pitched babble is presumably for courtship ,although scientists are not certain. 据推测,这可能是雄性老鼠在求爱,尽管科学家对这一点还不是很确定。
This high cost message can result in low income and so seems to be tossed out the window of the Church more concerned with it's own kingdom then the Kingdom of God. 当然,传讲这资讯的代价是昂贵的,就是收入微薄,并被那些关心自己的王国多于神的国的教会所弃绝。
This high guy took a trip the Himalayas, he is getting lost in a forest inside. 这天高佬旅行到了喜马拉雅山,他正在一个森林里边迷了路。
This high magnification of the atheroma shows numerous foam cells and an occasional cholesterol cleft. A few dark blue inflammatory cells are scattered within the atheroma. 图示:动脉粥样硬化高倍镜显示多量泡沫细胞,偶见胆固醇结晶(棱状空隙)。一些暗蓝色的炎细胞散在分布于粥样硬化病灶内。
This high performance 2U amplifier can work at high power output for long time with low noise. 一款低噪音;高性能的2U专业功放;可以长期大动态工作。
This high power microscopic appearance of cardiac myxoma shows minimal cellularity. Only scattered spindle cells with scant pink cytoplasm are present in a loose myxoid stroma. 高倍镜可见心房粘液瘤极小的细胞结构,仅有散在的纺锤形细胞,在疏松的粘液样基质中有少量淡红的胞浆存在。
This high rate of infection is being blamed on the appalling hygiene conditions. 人们责怪极差的卫生状况造成了如此高的感染率。
This high-gloss emollient with rice bran oil smooths ends, conditions and makes your hair easy to comb while imparting extraordinary shine. For all hair types. 混和高度亮泽滋润剂,米糠油。畅滑头发尾,修护发质。令头发更光泽更容易处理。留下美丽亮泽的秀发。适合任何发质。
This high-grade oolong tea has the scent of fruit honey,and it is harvested in June~August.Appatently,the queen of U.K drank the tea and saw the tealeaves swirling in the cup. 这种茶叶带有果香及蜂蜜香味,采收期为6~8月,因经由小绿叶蝉吸食,茶叶较为肥大而叶片萎小,枝节缩短弯曲,心尾布满白毫,故又名白毫乌龙茶。

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