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Several times while rolling across Mars, the treads of the robotic rover Spirit have serendipitously uncovered unusually bright soil.

Several theories link polarity flips to external disasters such as meteor impacts. 有些理论将两极转化现象归因于诸如陨星撞击等外部因素。
Several thin layers of clothing will keep you warmer than one thick one. 穿几层薄的衣服总比穿一层厚的衣服暖.
Several thousand police and soldiers are deployed across the area. 数千名警察和军人部署在整个地区。
Several times a day Donald Rumsfeld, the Defence Secretary, or his deputy, Paul Wolfowitz, will ring up Paul Bremer, the American pro-consul, or the generals on the ground, and tell them what they should do next. 国防部长拉姆斯菲尔德及他的助手伍尔沃兹,对美国总督(最高文职行政长官)布雷默及地面部队将领们一天要提醒好几次,告诉他们下一步该怎么做。
Several times each hour, I think to stumble on an intruder, only to find him a shadow. 一个小时中有几次,我想是被入侵者绊倒,发现那只是影子。
Several times while rolling across Mars, the treads of the robotic rover Spirit have serendipitously uncovered unusually bright soil. 当精神号漫游车数次穿过火星时,车轮碾过的路上偶然发现暴露的不寻常的明亮土壤。
Several trends are converging to reduce the grain area, including the loss of irrigation water, desert expansion, the conversion of cropland to nonfarm uses, the shift to higher-value crops, and a decline in double-cropping due to the loss of farm labor i 粮田面积萎缩是多种趋势汇合共同作用的后果,包括灌溉用水短缺、沙漠扩大、粮田转为非农用地、改种高价值作物,以及在比较富裕的沿海省份由于农业劳动力缺失致使一年两作的萎缩。
Several typical examples of interactive landscape architecture are introduced to guide the public to notice this developing direction. 提出一些互动园林实例,希望能够引起人们注意这一发展方向。
Several typical types of graphites were extracted from cast irons, and cut off some thin diaphragms suitable for investigating with transmissive electronic microscope (TEM) from the graphites. 摘要把铸铁中几种典型的石墨萃取出来,从石墨中切取透射电镜可以研究的薄膜。
Several typical well-implied enumeration methods and near-implicit enumeration methods are illustrated. 例举了几种典型的良性隐式枚举法和近隐式枚举法。
Several typographic conventions are used in main text to guide the readers eye. 为了方面读者阅读,正文采用了几种典型的排版约定。

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