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The Inhibitory Effects of Extract from Basella rubral L.on Tobacco Mosaic Virus

The Influence of stress inhibition on the plasma levels of LPS,pro-inflammatory and Th/Th cytokines in severely scalded rats 抑制应激对烧伤血浆中LPS、前炎症细胞因子和Th/Th细胞因子的影响
The Influence of the Monoclonal Antibody against Synthetical Peptide C_ Derived from HIV- envelop gp Core Structure on H9/HIV-_(ⅢB) Cells 抗HIV-包膜蛋白gp核心结构合成肽C_ 单抗对H9/HIV_(ⅢB)细胞的作用
The Influence of the Seagull on the Formation of Stanislavsky System 试论《海鸥》对斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基表演美学体系形成的影响
The Influence on Overseas-Chinese Society in Batavia by the Rapid Trade Growth between China and East India Company Colonized by Holland at the End of MING Dynasty and the Early QING Dynasty 明末清初中国与荷属东印度贸易对巴达维亚华侨社会的影响
The Influence on the Experimental Animals of the Injections of Compound Medicine to the Epidural Space 硬膜外腔复合液注射对实验动物的影响
The Inhibitory Effects of Extract from Basella rubral L.on Tobacco Mosaic Virus 落葵提取液抑制普通烟草花叶病毒病的生理效应研究
The Initial Result and Data Analysis on Investigation of Outing of the Residents in Dandong City 丹东市居民出行调查初步结果及数据分析
The Initiation of G_/M Checkpoint by Diallyl Disulfide Associates with the Subcellular Distribution of CyclinB and p in HL-0 Cells DADS活化HL-0细胞G_/M检查点与cyclinB亚细胞分布和p的关系
The Initiation of G_/M Checkpoint by diallyl Disulfide Associates With Subcellular Distribution of CyclinB in HL-0 Cells DADS活化HL-0细胞G_/M检查点与cyclinB亚细胞分布的关系
The Inner Natural Relativity Property of Schredinger Wave Mechanics Schredinger波动力学的内禀相对论性
The Inquire Into Vibration Specification of Buzzer 对蜂鸣器振动规范的探讨

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