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Article 32 An overseas commercial bank managing foreign exchange insurance funds as a trustee shall not concurrently hold the position of domestic custodian or overseas escrow agent.

Article 32 A party who refuses to accept the decision of the administrative sanction may,within 15 days after receipt of the notification of the decision,file suit in a people's court.If within that time limit the party does not file suit or comply with t 第三十二条当事人对行政处罚决定不服的,可以在接到处罚通知之日起十五日内向人民法院起诉;对罚款、没收违法所得的行政处罚决定期满不起诉又不履行的,由作出行政处罚决定的机关申请人民法院强制执行。
Article 32 A taxation authority may, in accordance with relevant State regulations, commission related units to collect small, decentralised, nuisance tax payments and shall issue such units with a certificate of a commissioned tax collector. 第三十二条税务机关根据国家有关规定可以委托有关单位代征少数零星分散的税收,并发给委托代征证书。
Article 32 A unitary and well-managed floating exchange rate system based on market supply and demand will be implemented for the exchange rates of Renminbi. 第三十二条人民币汇率实行以市场供求为基础的、单一的、有管理的浮动汇率制度。
Article 32 After making the first instalment of investment contribution, the foreign investor shall make the remaining instalments of contribution strictly as scheduled. 第三十二条第一期出资后的其他各期的出资,外国投资者应当如期缴付。
Article 32 An estate which is left with neither a successor nor a legatee shall belong to the state or, where the decedent was a member of an organization under collective ownership before his or her death, to such an organization. 第三十二条无人继承又无人受遗赠的遗产,归国家所有;死者生前是集体所有制组织成员的,归所在集体所有制组织所有。
Article 32 An overseas commercial bank managing foreign exchange insurance funds as a trustee shall not concurrently hold the position of domestic custodian or overseas escrow agent. 第三十二条受托管理保险外汇资金的境外商业银行,不得兼任境内托管人和境外托管代理人。
Article 32 Breach of contract damages and compensatory damages shall be paid within ten days after liability is clearly established, or else the matter shall be handled as an overdue payment. 第三十一条违约金、赔偿金应在明确责任后十天内偿付。否则按逾期付款处理。
Article 32 Coal mining enterprises shall be responsible for reclaiming the land, which is covered by coal or which subsides or is destroyed due to mining, to the state that it can be utilized; any losses caused to another person shall be compensated accor 第三十二条因开采煤炭压占土地或者造成地表土地塌陷、挖损,由采矿者负责进行复垦,恢复到可供利用的状态;造成他人损失的,应当依法给予补偿。
Article 32 Deferred assets refer to all the expenses that cannot be accounted into current profit or loss totally but should be periodically amortized in future years, including starting expenses, expenditures incurred in major repair and improvement of t 第三十二条递延资产是指不能全部计入当年损益,应当在以后年度内分期摊销的各项费用,包括开办费、租入固定资产的改良支出等。
Article 32 Financial institutions shall file with the exchange administration agencies for the termination of foreign exchange operations. 第三十二条金融机构终止经营外汇业务,应当向外汇管理机关提出申请。
Article 32 In case an enterprise surely needs to accelerate the depreciation of any fixed asset by virtue of technological progress or for any other reason, it may curtail the term of depreciation or adopt a method for accelerated depreciation. 第三十二条企业的固定资产由于技术进步等原因,确需加速折旧的,可以缩短折旧年限或者采取加速折旧的方法。

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