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At last the gods-partly by the help of the wise cou el of Prometheus-conquered the Tita , took them to the ends of the earth, and imprisoned them in a deep underground cavern.

At last the dean said, Well, what's five times seven? 最后院长说:“那么,五乘七得多少?”
At last the drillmaster told them the answer:to find it from one side to the other side of the grass! 教练最后宣布答案是:“按部就班地从草地一头找到另一头!”
At last the emperor wished to see it himself, while it was still on the loom. 最后,皇帝想在它还在织布机上就亲自去看看。
At last the fury of the storm lessened. 风暴的猛烈程度 终于降低了.
At last the fury of the storm lessened. 风暴的猛烈程度终于降低了。
At last the gods-partly by the help of the wise cou el of Prometheus-conquered the Tita , took them to the ends of the earth, and imprisoned them in a deep underground cavern. 普罗米修斯的智谋在某种程度上帮助众神最终征服了泰坦,并将他们带到尘世的边缘,关在一个很深的地下洞穴里。
At last the gods-partly by the help of the wise counsel of Prometheus-conquered the Titans, took them to the ends of the earth, and imprisoned them in a deep underground cavern. 普罗米修斯的智谋在某种程度上帮助众神最终征服了泰坦,并将他们带到尘世的边缘,关在一个很深的地下洞穴里。
At last the house itself fell down. 这房子终于自己倒了。
At last the irresistible pressure of reality had defeated her. 最终她被不可抗拒的现实压力击败了。
At last the lad decided to adopt it even though he adopted a lark lately. 最终,小伙子决定收养它,尽管他最近才收养了一只百灵鸟。
At last the merit and index of anticorrosive epoxy coatings were discussed. 介绍了锌基环氧富锌涂料的主要优点、使用范围并对其指标进行测定。

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