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Based on the character of short-time non-stationary random signal, the feature of energy distribution of multi-interval-time in millisecond blast signals was investigated by means of the wavelet packet method.

1 Based on the cause of brain drain,the article expounds basic way and relevant theory of keeping talents. 已记 看解释
2 Based on the cause of refracturing failure, operation scale improvement and adjusted treatments are adopted, such as acid washing fracture, multi-fracture fracturing and new fracture fracturing. 已记 看解释
3 Based on the census 2000 and a new survey in 2005, the study depicts the mobility and adjustability in professional occupation of Floating People in Wuhan. 已记 看解释
4 Based on the central-island and athwart construction method for excavation of large foundation pit of Shanghai South Railway Station of South Square in soft soil, the active mechanism of remain mound was analyzed; the deformation of underground diaphragm 已记 看解释
5 Based on the changes in unit price during the period concerned and using the standard investment management fee. Fee rebate has not been reflected. 已记 看解释
6 Based on the character of short-time non-stationary random signal, the feature of energy distribution of multi-interval-time in millisecond blast signals was investigated by means of the wavelet packet method. 已记 看解释
7 Based on the character, the paper gives a mathematic model, and describes game procession of group and analyzes investment behaviors of group. 已记 看解释
8 Based on the characteristic of the coupling objects it optimizes the decouple parameters, and the simulation result proves that the decoupling optimized algorithm compensates the hydraulic system lag, achieves the best collection efficiency, and enhances 已记 看解释
9 Based on the characteristic of the grotto rock reinforced by prestress anchor cable, taking three typical engineering sections in Yulin grotto in Anxi county Gansu province, as examples, the simultating computation for the displacement field and stress fi 已记 看解释
10 Based on the characteristics of English speech words and the implicature control theories, this thesis discusses the control of the implicating degree and the implicating quality in English speech words via diction and sentence structure, with the view to 已记 看解释
11 Based on the characteristics of Machine Designing Course, this paper presents a certain feasible ideas about course innovation, viz. employing of vivid CAI software to arouse the students' interest in professional course, helping them teach by themselves, 已记 看解释

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