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When you squeeze something in, it means that you make room for it, even if it is difficult.

When you sleep in the open, old newspaper can serve as a blanket. 在野外睡觉时,旧报纸可充作毛毯用。
When you smile , remember to breathe in through your nose and think positive thoughts . 微笑时,记住用鼻子吸气并抱着积极的想法。
When you speak rapidly, I can't catch you all at once. 你们说话说的快的时候,我一下子反应不过来的.
When you speak your own language your intonation and volume goes up and down, it emphasizes emo-tions and often tells us more than your actual words. 说母语的时候,你的语音语调会高低有致,同时强调情绪的表达多于实际的词汇。
When you spend a year listening to lectures, reading textbooks, and writing papers, you cannot spend that time working at a job. 当你把一年的时间用于听课、读书和写文章时,你就不能把这段时间用于工作。
When you squeeze something in, it means that you make room for it, even if it is difficult. 通常是指在人们繁忙的日程安排中抽出时间做某事。就是在你需要做的多项事情中再挤进去一项。挤出时间,抽空。
When you stab yourself in pe foot in hopes pat it'll raise your rage bar faster. 你猛戳自己的脚,希望能够加快积攒一些怒气。
When you stab yourself in the foot in hopes that it'll raise your rage bar faster. 你猛戳自己的脚,希望能够加快积攒一些怒气。
When you stand on the top of the hill,and then look the smaller villages and the city;Looing the bus run as beetles,and what is your feeling? 当你站在高高的山顶上驻足登看那渺小的村庄、城市;看那汽车像甲壳虫那样行走时,你有什么感想?
When you start dating , it is better to use your head more than your heart. 当你开始约会时,最好多用头脑,少用感情。
When you start the engine, be sure the car is in neutral. 你在发动引擎时,一定要让汽车处于空档。

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