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If farmers continue to make new farmland, wild animals won't get enough food.

If exploited, I believe this would lead inevitably to export earnings. 如果开发利用它们,我相信这将必然赢来出口利润。
If external funding is not raised, the telescope would close. 如果外部资金没有增长望远镜将被关闭。
If fail, never forget the precept of[with] failure. 如果失败了,千万不要忘记失败的教训。
If fairy tale changes, or if the heroines in the fairy tale change, what girls will we be? 如果童话可以改变,或者说童话中的女主人公可以改变,我们又将会是怎样的女性呢?
If falling prices raise the rate of default, that could in turn worsen the credit crunch, putting yet more pressure on prices. 如果房价的下降增加了贷款的拖欠率,结果可能使信用危及情况变得更糟,给房价增加更多的压力。
If farmers continue to make new farmland, wild animals won't get enough food. 如果农民继续开辟农田,那么野生动物将得不到足够的食物。
If fat is added to the starter, make sure that it is high quality and will not inhibit intake. 如果想在犊牛料中添加脂肪,那么一定要使用高质量的脂肪,防止劣质脂肪对采食量的负面影响。
If fecal organisms contaminate a lake, stream or seashore, anyone in the water risks infection by microbes entering through the mouth, nose, eyes or open wounds. 湖泊、溪流或海岸一旦遭受粪便细菌的污染,接触这些水域的人就等于冒著感染的风险,因为这些微生物会经由口、鼻、眼睛或外在伤口进入人体。
If female labour-force participation in these countries rose to American levels, it would give a helpful boost to these countries' growth rates. 如果这些国家女性劳动力的参与水平上升到了和美国相同的水平,那么将会极大地推动这些国家的发展进步。
If ferrous and non-ferrous metals, ore, aluminium, oil and vehicle sectors are all heavily dominated by the oligarchic groups, others remain in different hands: in construction, timber, milling, furniture and baking, for example. 若说黑色和有色金属、矿砂、铝、石油和交通行业均由寡头集团高度支配,那么其他行业则掌握在不同人的手中:例如建筑、木材、谷类加工、家具和烘焙行业。
If field applied for general plumbing applications, the critical level of the 289 shall be 6(152mm) above the flood rim. 如果现场应用在常见的管道应用上,则289的临界面应该位于高出地面152毫米的地方。

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