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According to the analysis of the macroscopic and macrocosmic environment of international market, we discuss the influence of information in developing international market and build a multivariate linear regression model.

Analysis on the Interrelation Between Acupuncture-induced Weight Reduction and Menstruation; 针刺减肥与月经关系的探讨
Experimental Study on Effect of Acupuncture Associating with TAX on General State and Tumour-curbed Rats of Lewis Lung Cancer Mice; 针刺联合紫杉醇对Lewis肺癌小鼠一般状态及抑瘤率影响的实验研究
Effect of Acupuncture Combined with TAX on the Expression of Apoptosis Related Factor p53 and bcl-2 of Mice Lewis Lung Cancer Cells; 针刺联合紫杉醇对小鼠Lewis肺癌细胞凋亡相关因子p53、bcl-2蛋白表达的影响
According to the new development of computer viruses,their basic state is introduced and the methods to avoid and clear stategies are also given. 针对电脑病毒的新发展 ,介绍了电脑病毒的基本情况 ,提出了电脑病毒的预防措施和清除办法 ,并对常用防杀病毒软件作了介
According to the analysis of the macroscopic and macrocosmic environment of international market, we discuss the influence of information in developing international market and build a multivariate linear regression model. 针对国际市场宏观和微观环境分析,提出了影响国际市场开发的信息因素及其指标,并根据回归分析原理建立了相应的多元线性回归模型,用以评价在相关信息因素的影响下,企业开发国际市场的经济效果。
One is nonlinear PID controller and the other is genetic algorithm optimized PID controller. 针对铝合金脉冲MIG焊过程,根据建立的占空比与焊接正面熔宽之间动态关系的数学模型,设计了非线性PID控制器和遗传算法优化的PID控制器,并分别对其在焊接过程中占空比对熔池正面熔宽阶跃动态响应的控制效果进行了MATLAB仿真研究。
It’s hard to bleach the pulp from cotton stalk due to the high content of pectin in its husk. 针对棉秆皮部果胶质含量高,全棉秆浆可漂性差的特点,分别考察了NaOH和Na2C2O4对棉秆原料的脱果胶效果,并将BCTMP工艺的原料预处理方法由汽蒸或热水浸泡改为添加脱果胶试剂的预处理过程,有效减轻了皮部果胶组分对成浆可漂性的不良影响,在温度90℃、草酸钠用量1。
On the basis of wastewater quality and quantity of alcohol factory, the anaerobic - oxidation process combining floating and carbon absorbing has high treatment efficient and stability operation. 针对某酒精厂所排放废水的水质、水量特点,设计了好氧厌氧配以气浮和活性炭吸附相结合的处理工艺,通过实践证明,该工艺处理效率高,运行稳定。
The evidence-based medicine(EBM) digital information resources are so dispersing now. 针对目前循证医学电子信息资源比较分散的状况,作者提出了对循证医学电子信息资源进行整合的探讨,并初步设计了一个循证医学资源整合的模型,以便为临床医生、医学科研工作者节约时间和精力,同时促进全球循证医学信息资源的充分利用。
The research was carried out on the control of the fermentation process in 10 L fermentator by Aspergillus niger producing glucose acid. 针对葡萄糖酸生产菌——黑曲霉,在10 L发酵罐进行了其发酵工艺控制研究。

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