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They have silenced me in the pit And have placed a stone on me.

They have set up a new opinion regarding to this case. 他们对于这件事情提出了一个新的意见。
They have settled down on a farm. 他们已经在一个农场里定居下来。
They have settled on a plan. 他们已定了一个计划。
They have settled where to camp . 他们已经决定到哪里去野营。
They have shown courage of their own. 他们表现出自己的勇气。
They have silenced me in the pit And have placed a stone on me. 哀3:53他们使我的命在牢狱中断绝、并将一块石头抛在我身上。
They have since slipped a bit, but the leap has rekindled awe at Softbank's aggressive accounting. 虽然此后利润率略有下滑,但这一跃升仍然是人们对于软银的盈利表现刮目相看。
They have so far restricted their military support to small arms, antitank weapons, mortar,and ammunition. 他们一直把军事援助限于小型武器,反坦克武器,迫击炮以及弹药。
They have sold up ten crates of mineral water in the afternoon. 他们这个下午卖掉了十箱矿泉水。
They have some different characters on the certain sameness both occurrences of gold in two fields. 两矿区金的赋存状态既有共同特征,也存在明显差异,各有特点。
They have some foreign magazines here. 他们这里有一些国外杂志。

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