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B : Sorry, I can't do that.

B : Just kidding. We are having hamburgers instead. 只是开玩笑而已。我们要吃的是汉堡。
B : My workload has been very heavy recently. (我最近的工作量变得非常重。)
B : No, I said we were going to eat something first. 不,我说的是,我们要先去吃点东西。
B : Not much to say, but I could kill for some coffee. (没什麽可说的,不过我真的很想喝些咖啡。)
B : Not yet. But they're having a clearance sale. Maybe we can come across some real bargains. 还没呢。不过他们现在在清仓甩卖。也许我们能撞见什么便宜货呢。
B : Sorry, I can't do that. (抱歉,我不能那麽做。)
B : The hardcover is more expensive. 精装本贵一些。
B : The one talking to a small group of people in the lounge? 你是说那个正在大厅里和几个人谈话的人吗?
B : What's the rush? We should shop around for the best deal. 别急嘛。我们应该货比三家然后买最好的。
B : Yes, I am glad that I wore a T-shirt. 是啊,真高兴我穿的是T恤。
B : Yes. There's a library, between the drugstore and the post office. 是的。在这个药店和邮局之间有一座图书馆。

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