Mickey Mouse is my favorite cartoon character.
米老鼠是我最喜欢的卡通人物。 |
Mickey Mouse was one of the first cartoon characters to be drawn with a very large head.
米老鼠是第一个被绘成脑袋瓜超大的卡通人物之一。 |
Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Winnie the Pooh look out from T-shirts, school bags and lunch boxes.
你的T恤、书包和午餐盒上可能就有米老鼠、唐老鸭和维尼熊等动画形象。 |
Mickey and Minne are very popular cartoon characters.This time,their all around performance is synonym of great show.In this play,there is the surprise birthday party of Mickey,vacation in Hawaii,and how Micdey,vacation in hawaii,and how Mickey savde his
米奇与米妮是家喻户晓的卡通人物,这回他们一起全力以赴的完全演出,保证让大家看得直呼过瘾.故事中有米奇的惊喜生日宴会,夏威夷的欢乐假期,还有米奇如何打败大巨人的英雄救美精彩故事。 |
Mickey and Minnie are very popular cartoon characters.
哇~好香好浓的味道! |
Mickey and Minnie usually eat dinner at six.
米奇和美妮通常在六点钟吃晚饭。 |
Mickey is an honest man; I say it, even though I have opposed him.
米基是个诚实的人,尽管我曾反对过他,我还是要这样说。 |
Mickey's the former leader of the team, and master of the long con.
米奇是团队的前首脑,擅长长线诈骗。 |
Mickey: I'll tell you what, if our school was this nice I would go there more than once a week.
我跟你说,如果我们学校能这么好的话,我会每周去不只一次。 |
Mickle power makes many enemies.
权高树敌多。 |
Micro cells use energy sources like hydrogen and methanol.
微型电池用像氢气、甲醇这样的能源。 |