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Brush off the fuzz that has blown on.

Brush and ink are not simply tools of Chinese painting, but also, more importantly, special drawing language in Chinese painting. 摘要笔墨不仅是中国画的一种工具材料,更重要的是中国画一种独特的绘画语言。
Brush at least twice a day with Glister Multi-Action Fluoride Toothpaste to help remove food residue and plaque. 每天以丽齿健?氟素牙膏刷牙最少两次,清除牙齿上的食物残渣!
Brush away the fly from the baby's nose. 把苍蝇从婴儿鼻上赶走。
Brush container, brush holder, seal box, official trunk, suitcase, tea board, chessboard ,name card box, multi-function plate, Ruyi ,smoke set ,tea set and other patterns of mold for pastry and hanging-crafts. 商务套装、笔筒、镇纸、笔架、名片盒、都承盘、如意、红木小件、红木工艺品、纸镇、镇尺、各式摆件和挂件。
Brush eggplants with caltrop starch. Stuff with pork and sprinkle with white sesame seeds. 茄子内抹上生粉,酿肉碎填满,然后灑上白芝麻。
Brush off the fuzz that has blown on. 把被风吹上去的绒毛刷掉。
Brush or comb your kitten regularly. 定期梳理它的毛发。
Brush or roller for small areas and touch-up only. 小面积施工或修补可采用刷涂或辊涂。
Brush or roller for small areas and touch-up only. Avoid re-brushing and re-rolling. 刷涂或辊涂只用于小面积施工或修补,且避免重涂。
Brush or roller for small areas and touch-up, using a short bristled brush. 小面积施工或修补可采用刷涂或辊涂,推荐使用刚性毛刷。
Brush or roller for small areas. 小面积可采用刷涂或辊涂。

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