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To treat pointed Condyloma with Nd:YAG Laser

To the edge of left and right spinous foramen are .7±. mm and .0±.7 mm respectively. 到棘孔内缘分别为 .7±. mm, .0±.7 mm;
To the nowaday's theory . 对现有理论状况。
To the problem of quick-sort, the authors give an average capacity analysis of the algorithm which is based on random choice 'pintle'. 对快速排序算法,基于枢轴元素的随机选取这一前提条件,对这一算法进行了时间平均性能的分析。
To this end,the paper discusses the concepts and characteristics of community,and community study,based on Morgon's investigations into the Seneca and other native American tribes. 文章从社区和社区研究的概念及特点入手 ,以摩尔根在塞纳卡部落和其它印第安部落所做的实地调查来论证这一观点。
To treat 8 patients suffered from tinea corporis & tinea cruris with miconazole nitrate cream for days, 7 cases (8.%) of all patients are cured, cases (.%) effective, cases (0. %) of no effect. 8例体癣和股癣患者用硝酸咪康唑霜治疗天,痊愈7 例(8.%),有效例(.%),无效 例(0. %),总有效率99.7%。
To treat pointed Condyloma with Nd:YAG Laser Nd:YAG激光治疗尖锐湿疣
To understand the clinical features of Reiter's Syndrome (RS) occurred in our country. 了解赖特综合征 (RS)在我国发病的临床特点。
To use mothod of solution equivalent potential to elimate disorderly current in order to control its corrosion on brine preheater. 隔膜电解系统中,盐水预热器受杂散电流的腐蚀相当严重,经过现场实际测试,寻找杂散电流的来源; 采用溶液等电位法,消除杂散电流,以达到控制杂散电流对盐水预热器腐蚀的目的。
Today is the nineteenth century German psychologist and physicist G·T·Fechners two hundredth birthday. 今年是 9世纪德国心理学家兼物理学家费希纳 (G·T·Fechner)诞辰 0 0周年。
Today the boundary of Songliao basin is structure erodent borderline. 松辽盆地的现今东部边界是构造侵蚀边界。
Toosendanin (TSN, C 0H 8O, FW 7), a triterpenoid derivative isolated from the bark of Melia toosendan Sieb et Zucc, has been used as an anthelmintic vermifuge against ascaris in China. 川楝素(Toosendanin, TSN, C_( 0)H_( 8)O_ , FW 7)是一种从楝属植物韧皮部分离提取出来的含呋喃环的四环三萜类化合物,是传统驱蛔中药的有效成分。

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