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But the problems are only beginning for Yilan, next year another incinerator with an even bigger daily capacity of 600 tons of garbage will be ready for use.

But the pro-Israel heavy guns still predominate. 但是亲以色列的重量级团体仍是占据主流。
But the problem is at its worst in the far-flung island of Okinawa, said a spokeswoman for the capital city of Naha, where 45.4 percent of men in their 40s and 50s are obese. 但这个问题在位处偏远的冲绳岛最为严重,冲绳首府那霸市政府发言人表示,当地年约40到50多岁的男性中有高达45.4%过重。
But the problem is my telephonist must have local knowledge as well. 但问题是话务员还必须有关于当地情况的知识。
But the problem is that the cost for telephone calls is so high that many cannot afford it. 但是,问题就是打电话的费用非常昂贵,很多人承受不起。
But the problem of limited airspace remains. 但是问题仍然在那有限的空域上。
But the problems are only beginning for Yilan, next year another incinerator with an even bigger daily capacity of 600 tons of garbage will be ready for use. 更可怕的是,明年还有一座宜兰焚化炉要启用,需要六百吨的垃圾量,看来它的问题才更大。
But the problems revealed may be concerned with the conservative attitude towards these excellent historical heritages without any modernistic transformation and meaning vested to meet the needs of the present age. 但是,当前史学发展存在种种问题可能与我们对我国那些优良史学传统抱残守阙,没有对这些优良传统进行现代转换并赋予它们符合时代要求的现代意义有一定关系。
But the process has acquired a momentum of its own that offers a path towards peace and the strengthening of the rule of law. 不过这一进程本身已经获得了一个契机,提供了一条通向和平、加强法治之路。
But the process is widely regarded by multinationals as a fairly weird kickback. 但是这个流程,被跨国公司普遍认为是变相收取费用的方式。
But the process would be even more efficient ifit separated the pathway from the microbe. 然而,脱离微生物途径,这一过程将更加有效。
But the profane and old-womanish myths refuse, and exercise yourself unto godliness. 7只是要弃绝那世俗的言语,和老妇的虚构无稽之事,并要操练自己以至于敬虔。

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