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The generators are of three-phase four-wire type,making use of star connection with neutral point.The rated line voltage is 400V.phase voltage 230V.frequency 50Hz,power factor 0.8(lag).It can provide 60Hz and the other voltage's generator according to nec

The generator represents magnetron, packaged with constant magnets in ceramic-metal execution. 该磁控管采用金属陶瓷封装,装有永磁体。
The generator represents magnetron, packaged with constants and electromagnets (2 coils magnetic) in the magnetic-shielded ceramic-metal execution. 该磁控管的设计采用电磁石,封装采用金属陶瓷。
The generator shall be run without load for 30 minutes, to record the phase current, volt, frequency, stator and bearing temperature once at intervals of 10 minutes. 电机应空载试运行2小时,每隔30分钟记录一次相电流、绕组和轴承温度。
The generator shuts off automatically. 这台发动机能自动停止运转。
The generators are of dirp-proof with rotating field type and with the adoption of harmonic excitation system,that allow your easy operation and simple maintenance. 发电机为防滴转场式,采用谐波励磁系统,使用安全可靠,维护简单方便。
The generators are of three-phase four-wire type,making use of star connection with neutral point.The rated line voltage is 400V.phase voltage 230V.frequency 50Hz,power factor 0.8(lag).It can provide 60Hz and the other voltage's generator according to nec 本发电机为三相四线制,采用带有中性点的星接法,额定电压为400伏,相电压为230伏,频率50赫,功率因素0.8(滞后)根据用户需要,也可提供60赫及其它电压值的发电机。
The generic and specific names are in Latin and are printed in italic type. 第二和名字是种加词,表示该物种的具体种名。
The generic term for wine, spirits and beer is alcoholic beverages'. 葡萄洒、 烈性洒、 啤酒的通称是酒类饮料.
The generic type Real, in its current implementation, is equivalent to Double. 翻译:通常的实数类型,在当前的使用中,等同于双精度实数。
The generous man receives more than he gives. 大方的人得到的比给予的多。
The generously designed drill rod clamping device can be opened up fully to enable the installation of drilling tools and drill casings exceeding 171/2(444 mm) in diameter. 如图所示的钻杆夹持装置可安装最大直径为444毫米的钻具和套管.

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