Mr Putin's intemperate rhetoric is no help, but on one thing he is right: America and Russia have serious issues to talk about.
普京的过分言辞于事无补,但有一点他却是正确的:美国与俄罗斯的确有许多严肃的问题有待磋商。 |
Mr Putin's speech contained a large dollop of self-serving anti-American cant.
普京的演讲中包含着大量自私的反美言辞。 |
Mr Putin's use of energy as a weapon is only one instance of a Russian assertiveness that nowadays seems to border on gangsterism.
普京总统将能源作为武器,只不过表明了当今俄罗斯近似于匪性的独断专行。 |
Mr Putin, his partner and patron, is due to leave office in 2008.
他的伙伴和资助人普京2008年将离任。 |
Mr Qaradawi, by contrast, has suggested that genital cutting is permissible so long as the clitoris is “reduced in size”, not removed entirely.
相反,卡拉达维则认为,只要阴蒂只是“减小尺寸”,而不是完全被割除,那么割礼就是允许的。 |
Mr Qin happens to be a former top aide of the city's party chief, Chen Liangyu, who is also a member of the ruling Politburo.
无独有偶,秦曾是上海市委书记兼中共中央政治局委员陈良宇的秘书。 |
Mr Ragan called for “a mutually agreed credible multilateral framework for policy action, with specifics on measures and timing.” This, he said, would “help keep markets calm.
瑞占先生呼吁建立一个“相互同意的、可靠的多边政策行动框架,其中应包括措施及时间安排的细节”。他表示,这个框架将“帮助保持市场稳定”。 |
Mr Rake predicted that some countries would harmonise their oversight of the accounting profession in the next decade.
雷克先生预计,在未来10年里,一些国家将协调其对会计职业的监管。 |
Mr Raymond's gruff handling of the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska needlessly turned an unfortunate accident into a cause célèbre for greens everywhere.
1989年,埃克森的一艘油轮在阿拉斯加瓦尔迪兹不小心泄漏之后,雷蒙对整个事件态度生硬,遭到了各地环保主义者的抗议。 |
Mr Raymond's heartfelt and extreme scepticism about climate science (a few years ago he insisted to The Economist that global warming is a giant hoax) has helped fuel boycotts of his firm and led to shareholder lawsuits.
李-雷蒙德对气候科学持十分极端的怀疑态度(几年前,他坚持对《经济学家》称预测全球将变暖是巨大的错误),促使埃克森抵制开发燃料,引起股东们进行诉讼。 |
Mr Reading also makes an important point about China's $800bn foreign exchange reserves.
里丁还就中国的8000亿美元外汇储备提出了一个重要观点。 |