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Pearl either saw and responded to her mother's feelings, or herself felt the remoteness and intangibility that had fallen around the minister.

Pearce was disappointed with Distin, who received two yellow cards for dissent after the goal. 皮尔斯对两张黄牌罚下场的队长迪斯丁感到很失望。
Pearl Harbor star and Oscar winner Ben Affleck voluntarily checked into a live-in rehabilitation facility for alcohol abuse. 电影《珍珠港》中的明星、奥斯卡奖获得者本恩·阿福雷克自愿住进了一个康复中心接受戒酒治疗。
Pearl Harbor, located on the south coast of Oahu, is only about 10 miles away from Honolulu. 珍珠港位于瓦胡岛的南海岸,大约离檀香山有10英里。
Pearl River Delta and other coastal areas in southeast are currently the developed areas in China, the human activities, particularly the influence of modern urbanization construction (for example “three supplies and one leveling”, mass exploitation of gr 现在,珠三角及祖国东南沿海其他地区是我国经济发达地区,人类活动、特别是现代城市化建设(如“三通一平”、大量开采大理石等)的影响,使该地区的地形地貌发生了更加急剧的变化。
Pearl cultivation in China mainly concentrates at seawater cultured pearl bases including Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan and fresh-water cultured pearl bases including Zhejiang and Jiangsu. 珍珠养殖主要集中在广东、广西、海南的海水珍珠养殖基地以及浙江、江苏的淡水珍珠养殖基地。
Pearl either saw and responded to her mother's feelings, or herself felt the remoteness and intangibility that had fallen around the minister. 珠儿对她母亲的感情或者是看出了,或者是感应到了,要不就是她自己也觉得牧师已经笼罩在遥不可及之中了。
Pearl is a valued medicine and a new resource food and it effects by adjusting and mending the function of the body, so it should be taken one or two months before attending examinations. 因珍珠是名贵中药和新资源食品,通过调补人体机能才能产生明显作用,应在离考试前一至二个月开始服用。
Pearl lamina power solution,natural borneol and etc. 珍珠粉水解液和天然冰片等。
Pearl mumbled something into his ear, that sounded, indeed, like human language, but was only such gibberish as children may be heard amusing themselves with, by the hour together. 珠儿在他耳边嘀咕了几句,听着倒真象说话,其实只是儿童们在一起玩的时候所发的莫名其妙的音符。
Pearl powder can effectively eliminate the intensity and anxiety of the students who is attending to exams, and also it can relieve the uneasiness so as to improve the quality of sleep, keep high emotion and good memory. 珍珠粉可有效消除面临考试学生的紧张、焦虑心理、镇心安神提高睡眠质量,使情绪稳定,记忆清晰,从容应考。
Pearl was decked out with airy gaiety. 她把珠儿打扮得花枝招展。

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