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B.For hard and half hard drawn tubes the ratio of outer diameter to wall thickness is no more than 25.

B.And in front of your own people. 而且是在自己国家的人民面前举行。
B.B's simply means meat prepared the Brazilian Gaucho's way. 的意思是以牧人的方式准备的烤肉。
B.C. is the province located on the West Coast. 英属哥伦比亚省位于西海岸。
B.C.95 The Roman army under Julius Caesar invaded Britain. 公元前95年,朱蒂斯。凯撒率领罗马军队侵略英国。
B.Competitive games can stimulate aggression and increase psychomotor activity. 竞争性游戏会刺激引起侵入性的行为和增加精神运动活动。
B.For hard and half hard drawn tubes the ratio of outer diameter to wall thickness is no more than 25. 硬态和半硬态拉制管外径与壁厚之比不小于25者。
B.He easily loses his temper. 他很容易发脾气。
B.He is no stranger to sorrow. 他生活在悲伤中。
B.I'm not too busy tomorrow. We could meet late morning or early afternoon. 我明天不太忙。我们可以在上午晚些时候或者下午早些时候见面。
B.If you"re parked next to a big van you should enter your car from the passenger door. 假如你的车子停在箱型车旁,则应该从乘客车门进入你的车子。
B.If you're parked next to a big van you should enter your car from the passenger door. 假如你的车子停在箱型车旁,则应该从乘客车门进入你的车子。

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