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Buy a small tape recorder and put it next to your bed.

Buy a Used Vehicle Information Package and read it carefully to make sure that the information about your vehicle is correct.*Show the Used Vehicle Information Package to any interested buyers.*When a buyer is found, sign the bill of sale portion of the U 卖车人的程序:1.买一个二手车信息包,仔细阅读它,确保它关于你的车的信息都是正确的;2.把该信息包出示给每一个感兴趣的买主;3.找到买主后,在二手车信息包的售出栏目填上你的名字,交易日期及成交价格,并且签字;4.完成车主注册许可证上的更换车主申请部分并签名;5.把整个二手车信息包及车主证的更换车主一栏交给买者;6.把车主证上的牌照栏目部分留给自己将来使用;7.卸下车上的牌照及拿走属于你个人的所有物品.
Buy a coffee pot with a timer and get it ready before you go to bed. 为咖啡壶配一个计时器这样你就可以在你上床睡觉之前会先煮好你的咖啡。
Buy a dog a toy and it will play with it for ever. 给狗买个玩具它会一直玩下去。
Buy a puppy. Name it Charo. 买条小狗。给他取名为沙罗。
Buy a quality personal planner or calendar and use it! 买本好的个人备忘录或日历并充分利用它吧!
Buy a small tape recorder and put it next to your bed. 买一个随身听并且把他放在自己的床边。
Buy an alarm clock that works. 买一只性能良好的闹钟。
Buy and sell according to definite rules and not on hope, fear or guesswork. 买卖是依照明确的规则来操作而不是你对市场的期望、恐惧或臆测。
Buy choice beef at low prices. 以便宜价格买到特选牛肉。
Buy duck eggs or goose eggs. 买鸭蛋或鹅蛋。
Buy energy efficient appliance + ligthtbulb. 购买节能电器,如节能灯泡。

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