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The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, in which all Societies have equal status and share equal responsibilities and duties in helping each other, is worldwide.

The International Olympic Committee said Friday it has held discussions with cycling's world governing body about introducing skateboarding as a discipline for the London program. 国际奥委会周五就将滑板项目列入2012年伦敦奥运会正式比赛项目一事与国际自行车协会进行了商讨。
The International Pepper Community (IPC), is an intergovernmental organization, established in 1972 under the auspices of the United Nations – Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN-ESCAP). 国际胡椒共同体(IPC),是一个政府间组织,是在联合国亚太经济及社会委员会(UN-ESCAP)的资助下于1972年成立的。
The International Procurement and Distribution Zone – After the bonded goods of import have entered the logistic park, they shall be undergone simple processing of the commercial character, and then to be sorted and distributed in the distribution warehou 国际采购与配送区:进口保税货物进入物流园区,进行商业性简单加工后,在配送库场进行货物的分拨配送业务。
The International Program Office offers a full range of services to help students adjust culturally and academically to life in the United States. 校内国际课程办公室提供各类服务,包括协助学生适应美国大学生活、及如何应付学术课程。
The International Rainwater Catchment Systems Association (IRCSA) aims to promote and advance rainwater catchment systems technology with respect to planning, development, management, science, technology, research and education worldwide; establish an int 描述:国际雨水集水系统协会(IRCSA)成立于1989年,目的是研究雨水集水技术的设计、工艺、发展、管理、教育与普及,建立一个由相关科学、工程师、教育学家、行政管理者的国际论坛。
The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, in which all Societies have equal status and share equal responsibilities and duties in helping each other, is worldwide. 国际红十字运动遍及全世界,各红十字会地位相等,也共负彼此互助之相同责任与义务。
The International Society for Autonomic Neuroscience is a society comprising of researchers, medical professionals, academics, industry professionals and students working with the autonomic nervous system. 国际自主神经科学学会:成员包括从事自主神经系统研究的学者、医学专业人员、教授、企业专业人员与学生。
The International Space Station will enable humankind to carry out a lot of valuable research. 国际空间站将使人类能够进行许多重要的研究。
The International Speech Communication Association covers all the aspects of speech communication (acoustics, phonetics, phonology, linguistics, natural language processing, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, signal processing, pattern recognitio 国际言语沟通学会:涵括了言语沟通所有面向的主题(声学,语音学,音韵学,语言学,自然语言处理,人工智慧,认知科学,语言信号处理,型样识别等)。
The International System (abbreviated SI, for Systeme International, the French name for the system) was adopted in 1960 by the 11th General Conference on Weights and Measures. 国际制度(国际制度的缩写为SI,是国际制度的法语名称)被1960年的第十一届大会用于度量衡。
The International System uses two supplementary units that are based on abstract geometrical concepts rather than physical standards. 国际制度采用了两种辅助单位,其依据于抽象的几何概念而非物理标准。

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