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Time waits for no one. Make the most of today. Treasure every moment that you have.

Time to cut and care for your mini meadow -the RHS's Matthew Wilson shows you how. 到修剪和照料您的微型草甸的时间了-马修?威尔逊会教您怎么做。
Time to dust off those aero wheels; dig out the old skin suit; oil the chain; all to see if all that winter training &motivational DVD watching has been worthwhile! 快擦亮你的爱车,披上战袍,蓄势待发,让我们拭目以待,经过冬季训练及DVD资料学习,你的表现是否更加精彩!
Time to have it repaired. 是修车的时候了。
Time to rework your accessories and makeover your shelves. 也是重新整理各种小装饰品和抽屉的时候了。
Time to say goodbye once again. 再次要和你说在见了。
Time waits for no one. Make the most of today. Treasure every moment that you have. 时间不等人。充分利用今天。珍惜你拥有的每一个瞬间!
Time was certainly of the essence. 时间肯定是至关重要的。
Time was really too tight, just taking out time to make this exhibition in the evening, the detailed story stays to treat to narrate in detail slowly to everyone again slowly in the days to come. 时间实在太紧了,晚上才抽时间搞这个展览,详细的故事留待日后慢慢再给大家慢慢细说吧。
Time was reckoned by the position marked off in constellations on the ecliptic in which the Moon rises daily in the course of one lunation (the period from New Moon to New Moon) and the Sun rises monthly in the course of one year. 时间是通过黄道带星座的划分位置而计算,月亮是在一个阴历月期间每天上升(新月到新月的周期),太阳是在一年中的每个月上升。
Time was running short; where were the other delegates? 时间已经不够了,其他州的代表都在哪里呢?
Time was when Mexico's Supreme Court dutifully rubber-stamped whatever the government and the powers that be desired—as its counterpart in Venezuela now does (see article). 现在到了墨西哥最高法院尽职尽责的时刻了-必要的政府与权力机构都要被法院批准通过,就像委内瑞拉最高法院的所作所为。

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