Land market after behind-the-scenes plotting concern : how much land can act sloppily?
关注土地市场重重黑幕:有多少土地可以胡来? |
Land may not be sold, leased, mortgaged or illegally transferred by any other means.
不动产指的是土地及土地上附着物。 |
Land may not be sold,leased,mortgaged or illegally transferred by any other means.
土地不得买卖,出租,抵押或者以其他形式非法转让. |
Land not used any more due to cancellation or removal of the original units.
(三)因撤销、迁移等原因而停止使用土地的。 |
Land of green mountains, rocky islands, rugged moorlands (1), and stunning cities, Scotland proudly invites visitors to explore its 8,000 year-old culture.
群山绿意葱茏,诸岛乱石嶙峋,野地崎岖多趣,城市令人赞叹,这些都足以让苏格兰引以为豪,它籍此诚邀您来探访它那绵延8千年之久的悠久文化。 |
Land of money cultivate no true belief.
金钱的土地上长不出真正的信仰。 |
Land prices are rising, especially along the Adriatic coast, as foreigners buy up plots for future development.
由于外国投资者大量收购为将来经营作准备,土地价格,特别是亚地里亚海沿岸的土地价格飙升。 |
Land rearrangement has great meaning not only for sustainable land use but for the entire reqional sustainable developing on society and economics.
摘要土地整理对土地资源地可持续利用乃至整个社会地可持续发展都有着十分重要地意义。 |
Land reclaimed shall be first used for agricultural purposes.
复垦的土地应当优先用于农业。 |
Land resources is surveyed by RS and GIS techniques in Jinan, according to the whole country second class classification system established the discretion symbolize, built the present status and variation of land utilization of Jinan in 2000 and 2004.
摘要采用遥感与GIS相结合的技术对济南市土地资源进行遥感调查,按照全国二级分类系统建立判别标志,绘制了2000年和2004年济南市土地利用现状图和变化图。 |
Land sales are a prime source of government revenue.
土地拍卖是政府的主要收入来源。 |