Compiler: Langjie·Wangjiu Tangka is the pronunciation of the Tibetan language, meaning scroll painting, which takes the Tibetan history and Buddhism classics as the basic subject matter, and with the Tibetan Characteristics.
“唐卡”是藏语译音,大意为卷轴画,是以西藏历史和佛学经典所述内容为基本题材绘制而成的独具藏民族特色的美术画,其高超的艺术表现手法和独特的艺术效果令人叹为观止。 |
Compiles filename with a strong signature using the private key produced at keySource.
使用从密钥集中生成的密钥来编译文件产生强签名。 |
Compiles training materials according to staff needs, including audio-visual and other teaching aids.
根据员工的需求编汇培训材料,包括准备视听材料和教学用具。 |
Compiling a dictionary is a massive project.
编写词典是一项大工程。 |
Compiling a dictionary is an awful sweat.
编词典是一种极其吃力的苦差。 |
Complacency is the enemy of study.
学习的敌人是自己的满足。 |
Complain about food, room, etc.
抱怨饭菜、房间等等。 |
Complain can't solve the problem.
抱怨解决不了问题。 |
Complain has not solved the problem.
抱怨解决不了问题。 |
Complain to one who can help you.
向能帮助你的人抱怨。 |
Complained it was dull here, nothing to do.
抱怨这里太无聊了,什么也不能做。 |