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Hysteria, psychosis, torture, depression: I was told that if something is unpleasant, it's probably feminine.

Hypothetically, such drugs could be incorporated into a topical microbicide that would thwart sexually transmitted chlamydiae. 理论上,这些药物可搭配局部杀菌剂,而阻挡在性行为当中传染的披衣菌。
Hypothyroidism is common, often overlooked, readily diagnosed by laboratory testing, and eminently treatable. 摘要甲状腺功能不足很常见,诊断并不难也很容易治疗,但却常常为人所忽略。
Hypoxic cells are the result of uncontrolled growth and insufficient vascularization and have undergone a shift from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism. 实验和临床证据显示缺氧细胞最有侵略性,因此缺氧导致的血管形成的疾病治疗极其困难,这也是抗血管形成的治疗和传统治疗失败的主要原因。
Hypoxic preconditioning (HPC), a strategy of intrinsic cytoprotection developed in biological evolution, is designed to be motivated by repetitive exposure of organism, organ, tissue and cell to condition of hypoxia. 摘要缺氧预适应这一生物进化上的内源性细胞保护机制,可被机体、器官、组织和细胞的重复缺氧暴露所激发。
Hysteria seemed to be a vanished 19th-century extravagance useful for literary analysis but surely out of place in the serious reaches of contemporary science. 歇斯底里症是由于在19世纪被文学分析过度而消失,又不能在严肃的当代科学中找到自己合适的地位。
Hysteria, psychosis, torture, depression: I was told that if something is unpleasant, it's probably feminine. 有人告诉我,如果什么东西让人反感,如歇斯底里、变态心理、折磨、意志消沉,那么它大概就是阴性的。
Hysterical children nipping through Customs trying to retrieve a relative, couples so welded to each other they miss their planes and grown men, actually, like, crying. 歇斯底里的孩子为了找回他们的亲戚不顾一切冲过海关;夫妇们是那样的依依不舍以至于误了班机;还有成年人居然还喜欢哭泣。
Hyun-min (Shin Hyun-jun) is a leading face reconstruction specialist, helping investigators identify murder victims by studying the features of their skulls. 李铉民(申铉濬饰)是国立科学鑑证研究院的首席鑑证员,用电脑科技把头骨重组原来样貌,协助警方碓定死者的身份。
Hyundai Digital Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. was founded on Oct.18, 2001, It is an independent legal representative, which is now a R &D and production base of karaoke speaker series of Dalian Yadi Electronics. 2001年恒迪数字技术(深圳)有限公司成立,为中国独立法人代表,现已成为亚迪音响系列产品在华南地区的专业生产基地。
Hyundai has come to the conclusion that the Daimler Chrysler plant there can maximize the [color=Red][b]synergy [/b][/color]effect of its plant to be located nearby. 现代汽车公司最后认为那里的戴姆勒-克莱斯勒车厂能对他们将要在附近设立的新厂产生最大的综合效益(或叠加效应,协同效应)。
Hyundai has come to the conclusion that the Daimler Chrysler plant there can maximize the synergy effect of its plant to be located nearby. 现代汽车公司最后认为那里的戴姆勒-克莱斯勒车厂能对他们将要在附近设立的新厂产生最大的综合效益(或叠加效应,协同效应)。

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