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This enterprise has been committed to its motto in production and service: quality supreme, customers first, excellence pursuancewhile it explores constantly to excel and to perfect its management.

This ensures that they'll accelerate, stop and steer when we need them to. 这保证它们在加速、刹车和操控等方面随时满足我们的要求。
This ensures that what you are seeing in your graphics program is how the image will be saved in PNG format. 这样可以确保你们看到你们程序图形图象将会如何挽救巴纽格式.
This ensures that your field is clear of those forces that may wish to distort or manipulate your vision. 这确保从你的场中扫清那些可能希望扭曲或控制你的想象的力量。
This entanglement of souls in what humanity calls matter was a probability from the beginning, but God did not know when it would happen until the souls, of their own choice, had caused it to happen. 人们把这种灵魂的纠缠称作物质,这自开始起就是一种可能性,但上帝并不知道它何时会发生,直到灵魂根据它们自己的选择使它发生。
This enterprise follows the starting point, the thinking of steady development, for the purpose of pursuing remarkable quality , with the specialized internationalized design idea , incorporating eastern aesthetic temperament and interest , living space m 本企业遵循起点,稳定发展的思路,以追求“卓越品质”为宗旨,以专业的国际化设计理念、融入东方审美情趣、亲密打造中国完美时尚的生活空间;多年从事散热器焊接制造的专业人员组成了强有力的生产保障体系;立足打造中国钢制散热器第一品牌。
This enterprise has been committed to its motto in production and service: quality supreme, customers first, excellence pursuancewhile it explores constantly to excel and to perfect its management. 本公司秉承品质至上、客户第一、追求卓越的生产服务宗旨,不断开拓进取,完善管理。
This enterprise holds out unlimited prospects. 这个企业有无限的发展前途。
This enterprise is located between Jingkai Highway, Fifth-Ring Road, and Jingshi Highway in Huangcun Town, Daxing District, south of Beijing with convenient communications and vantage point. 公司地处京南大兴区黄村镇,紧邻京开高速公路及五环路,西有京石高速,地理位置优越、交通便利。
This enterprise is now on a firm footing and should soon get profits. 现在这家企业基础稳固,很快就会赢利。
This enterprise is now on a firm footing and should soon show profits. 现在这家企业基础稳固,很快就会赢利.
This enterprise possesses product design , technological development, production and measuring ability, Specialty of air blowers processes the equipment, the production technology is updated, the products sell well in all parts of the country. 本企业具备产品设计、技术开发、生产及检测能力,拥有风机专用加工设备,生产工艺不断改进,产品畅销全国各地。

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