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A number of potential donor countries find it burdensome to assume this responsibility owing to the financial implications involved in undertaking initiatives to benefit a large number of countries.

A number of mothers also believe the placenta has healing properties and can help with breast feeding and prevent post-natal depression. 一些人类的母亲认为食用胎盘能帮助催乳、防止产后抑郁症的发生。
A number of museums and memorial halls (sites) of revolution with great influence should be determined and necessary support in funds granted by the People's Governments at all levels to build them step by step into bases of patriotic education with compl 要确定一批有重大影响的革命博物馆、纪念馆(地),由各级人民政府给予必要的经费支持,逐步建成基础设施完备的爱国主义教育基地。
A number of other types of information are also relayed into the computer, including information from picket ships, AEW aircraft, Ground Observer Corps,aircraft spotters, flight plans for both military and civilian aircraft, and weather information. 一些其他类型的信息也传递给了计算机,这些信息来自(雷达)哨舰,AEW载预警飞机、地面观测队和空中侦查,还有军用和民用飞机的飞行计划、气象等等信息.
A number of our former students are succeeding - visibly - in their chosen careers. 很多鲁顿大学的毕业生在在各行各业工作的相当出色,受到了社会的高度评价和广泛认可。
A number of people were plunged into distress by the news. 许多人都为那则新闻陷入悲哀的情绪。
A number of potential donor countries find it burdensome to assume this responsibility owing to the financial implications involved in undertaking initiatives to benefit a large number of countries. 参加有利于很多国家的项目,必会影响本国的财政,所以一些潜在的捐款国认为承担这样的责任是件麻烦事。
A number of problems have been put forward. 已经提出了一些问题。
A number of properties of countable topological space were given systematically, such as its countability, separability, compactness and connectedness, including their proofs on the basis of the nature of topological space, real number space and correspon 摘要在可数补拓扑空间的拓扑性质的研究基础上,系统的给出了可数补拓扑空间的可数性,分离性,紧致性,连通性等性质,并给予证明。
A number of pupils are playing hide and seek,the number of whomis twelve. 一些学生在那捉迷藏,(学生的)总数是十二人。
A number of rare or endangered species live in the park, including tigers, aquatic mammals, birds and reptiles. 许多稀有或濒危动物生活在这里,包括老虎、水生哺乳动物、鸟类和爬行动物。
A number of recent papers have dealt with such properties of clay minerals as their compositions, assemblages, contents and crystallinities, which can reflect the periodic climate changes of the mineral sources and help to reconstruct paleoclimate. 摘要由于粘土矿物的成分、组合、含量以及结晶度的变化可以反映母源区气候冷、暖周期性变化,因此利用粘土矿物重建古气候环境近年来得到广泛的应用。

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