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“Aren't you in Class Two?”“Yes, I am.

“Are you going to go there to have a picnic?”“I hope not. “你准备去那儿野餐吗?”“我希望不去。”
“Are you in a relationship? 你在谈恋爱吗?
“Are you laughing at me?I feel you very lonely now.You and he isn't recgnize~!why you chouse he make you gril friend? 她问的话使我也觉得忧心了。毕竟我们是在网上认识的,只因感觉好就喜欢了。但自己却有很在乎你,时刻想着你,这无法使自己平静下来。想了很长时间,自己没有回答他的问题。
“Are you sure you want to do this,” asked Roby the barber looking at Toby‘s new grown hair. “你确定要这样做吗?”理发师罗比看到了托比新长出的毛问道。
“Are you tired of interviewing?” asked Oliver Lambert, the senior partner who was in charge of the recruiting. “你是不是对面试感到厌倦了?”奥利佛?兰伯特问道,他是负责招聘的一个资深合伙人。
“Aren't you in Class Two?”“Yes, I am. “你不是二班的学生吧?”“不,我是二班的.”
“Arent all balls round?”“Not in the USA! “难道并不是所有的球都是圆的吗?”“在美国并不都是圆的。”
“Aren‘t you going to be with me?” asked little fox. 小狐狸问:“你不陪我一起吗?”
“Ares! You would die for what you did that night. “阿瑞斯,你要为今晚所做的一切负责!”
“Around 90 witnesses are expected to testify in what look set to be another lengthy trial. 这次审判预计将有大约90名证人作证,可能又是一场漫长的审判。
“Artists' Self-Portraits from the Uffizi” is at the Dulwich Picture Gallery, London, until July 15th. “乌菲齐美术馆艺术家自画像”在伦敦达利齐画廊的展览截止于7月15日.

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