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Aside from the important differences related to conditioning, footwork, and other forms of training, one thing stands out: the ability to sustain high speed rallies with control and consistency.

Aside from that, it is also the site of an art museum and a treasure house of his torical documents. 宫内所藏文物浩多,堪称为一座艺术博物馆和文化宝库。
Aside from that, we would lounge around all day, waiting for dinner. 除此以外,我们整天都是闲呆着,等着开晚饭。
Aside from the monster, many characters hear strange whispering voices in the jungle or are guided by inexplicable visions or dreams. 除了“怪兽”之外,很多角色不是听到了丛林中奇怪的低语声就是受到了令人费解的幻象或梦境的指引。
Aside from the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979, they include the Shanghai communique of 1972, President Jimmy Carter's normalization agreement with the People's Republic of China, and the August 18, 1982 communique limiting U.S. arms sales to Taiwan. 除了1979年的《对台关系法》之外,包括1972年的《上海公报》,吉米卡特总统签署的与中华人民共和国关系正常化协议,和《中华人民共和国和美利坚合众国联合公报》(八?一七公报)限制了美国武器对台销售。
Aside from the color itself, there are no differences. 除了颜色以外,他们之间没有区别。
Aside from the important differences related to conditioning, footwork, and other forms of training, one thing stands out: the ability to sustain high speed rallies with control and consistency. 除了与条件调节,脚步和其他训练形式有关的重要不同之外,有一件事特别要彰显的:那就是在控制力和一致性下维持高速的连续对抽对拉。
Aside from the injury to his face and hand, he break both leg. 他除了脸部和双手受伤以外,两条腿也断了。
Aside from the practical problems, this scheme does not allow users to help each other. 撇开这个实际的问题,这个方案也不允许用户之间相互帮助。
Aside from the protection of the environment Wicca's central theme, called the Wicca Rede, is if it does no harm do your own will. 除环境保护外巫术崇拜的中心主旨是称之为巫术的忠告,就是“不造成伤害就按自己的意愿去做”。
Aside from these two eminent guests, Radio 100.3 “Anna's Closet's” deejay Ms Anna Lim, will be hosting the talk. 除了两位主讲人外,本次对话特别邀请了电台100.3“安娜私房话”的主持人林安娜担任司仪。
Aside from tight budgets, there's also the issue of cultural and political sensitivities. 除了预算紧张外,其中还有一个文化和政治敏感性的问题。

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