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Though I will by no means get away this matter, it doesn't mean that nobody will know it forever ,for murder will out.

Though I trained them and strengthened their arms, They devise evil against Me. 15我虽训练他们,坚固他们的膀臂,他们竟图谋恶事抗拒我。
Though I was deeply attracted by the landscape I saw in the “Peachblossom Garden”, but I hardly express them, this is a painful thing. 虽然,我被自己在“桃花园”里看到的景象所深深的陶醉,但我几乎不能把它表达出来,这是一件痛苦的事情。
Though I was tired, I kept on with my work. (虽然我很累,但还是坚持工作。)
Though I were innocent, I could not answer him; I could only plead with my Judge for mercy. 15我虽有义,也不回答他。只要向那审判我的恳求。
Though I were perfect, yet would I not know my soul: I would despise my life. 伯9:21我本完全.不顾自己.我厌恶我的性命。
Though I will by no means get away this matter, it doesn't mean that nobody will know it forever ,for murder will out. 虽然我决不会把此事给抖出来,但这并不意味着此事以后无人得知,因为纸是包不住火的。
Though I wrote for him ten thousand precepts of My law, They are regarded as a strange thing. 何8:12我为他写了律法万条、他却以为与他毫无关涉。
Though I'd never ventured very far beyond the outskirts of my home village, I knew the tales of the great war, the Rending, and of course the Shattering. 虽然我之前的所谓冒险从未远离过我们村子的周边,但是我也听说过许多关于那次伟大的战争,大撕裂,当然还有大破碎的传奇故事。
Though I'm in contact with my uncle through e-mail nearly every day, it has been more than two years since we last talked face-to-face. 虽然我和我叔叔几乎每天通电子邮件,但自从上回面对面交谈已经过两年多了。
Though I've been driving since I was sixteen, I was just a “Learner” or a “New Driver”. 尽管我十六岁就开始开车,但我还是个初学者,或者说新手。
Though Israel's exasperation is understandable, it would be wiser to take a half-step in response to what some see as a half-step by Hamas. 虽然可以理解以色列的愤怒,但要是能对哈马斯被视为小进步的举动采取一点回应,以色列就更明智了。

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