To get to the bottom of the questions, we still want to ask, 'transport what to where? |
中文意思: 追根究底,我们还是要问「交通建设究竟是在建设什麽?」 |
To get the strongest magnetic compression, they developed heavy, water-cooled coils, often made from sturdy refrigerator tubing and consuming many kilowatts of electric power.
他们发展出以水冷却的沉重线圈,以达到最强的磁压缩,这些线圈使用坚固的冷却管线,需要消耗好几千瓦的电能。 |
To get the wayward whales headed in the right direction, researchers with the Sausalito-based Marine Mammal Center planned to play recorded humpback sounds from a boat Thursday as the tide goes out, then use more boats lining the channel to try to prevent
为了让两只迷路鲸鱼朝著正确方向,梭沙立托地区的「海洋哺乳动物中心」工作人员计画周四在退潮时,从船上播放录好的座头鲸声音,并且用许多小船限制通道,以免两只鲸鱼掉头。 |
To get there by air will take you only about two hours.
乘飞机去那儿记将只花你两个小时。 |
To get to Boracai you have to switch flights in Manila.
要到玻洛凯你必须在马尼拉转机。 |
To get to Liu's headquarters near Hantan, three hundred miles away across the plain from Peiping, I would have to go at least two-thirds of the way by cart, around a few Kuomintang-held cities and by myself, without an interpreter.
刘伯承的总部设在邯郸附近,从北平前往那里要穿过平原走三百英里路程,其中至少三分之二的路程须乘大车,绕过国民党占据的几个城市,而且是我自己一个人,没有译员同行。 |
To get to the bottom of the questions, we still want to ask, 'transport what to where?
追根究底,我们还是要问「交通建设究竟是在建设什麽?」 |
To get to work, he takes the number 17 bus to the Saite Hotel.
为了赶去上班,他要乘坐去赛特宾馆的17路公共汽车。 |
To get unstuck he is drawn to solving little problems, like reading the news, watching TV, driving his car, doing physical exercise, watching a football game, playing basketball, and so forth.
为了能暂时脱离洞穴,他会暂时将自己拉出来解决小问题,如看报、看电视、开车、做体操、看足球赛、玩篮球等等。 |
To get up early is impossible to him.
早起对他来说是不可能的。 |
To give a definition of a word is more difficult than to give an illustration of its use.
给一个词下定义要比举例说明它的用法困难。 |
To give a good lesson and be accepted by students, we should not only make full preparations before class, but also do well in class.
上好一堂课,得到学生们的认可,不但要有课前的充分准备,更重要的是课堂上的发挥。 |