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We mean only to point out that the great majority of those four percent of Americans who have $1,000,000 in net worth get to where they are because they control their pleasures.

We may wear collars and ties instead of war-paint, but our instincts remain basically unchanged. 我们可以穿衣领、打领带代替战争画,但我们的本能仍基本没改变。
We may well wonder why a wise man would be poor. 我们有可能好奇为什么智慧的人会贫穷。
We may wish at this stage to make a distinction between teaching situations where ‘open-market’ materials are chosen on the one hand, and where a Ministry of Education (or some similar body) produces materials which are subsequently passed on to the teach 我们不妨在此阶段对这两方面加以区分:一方面是市场上大量可供选择的教材;另一方面是有教育部(或是其它类似机构)编辑的,之后作为在课堂上使用的教材。
We may wish to dedicate our lives to study so that we are well educated. 我们可能会把我们的生活全部用于学习而得到良好的教育。
We may, however, be able to slow the process of adaptation. 我们或许可以慢下这种不断追求物质享受的脚步。
We mean only to point out that the great majority of those four percent of Americans who have $1,000,000 in net worth get to where they are because they control their pleasures. 我们只是想指出那些占美国人口百分之四的净收入达一百万美元的大多数人之所以达到今天的富有就是因为他们克制了自己的享乐。
We mean to say that only people from the second rank of leadership will be eligible for the post of President and Prime Minister and the top rank of leadership will remain engaged with the people's movements. 我们的意思是说,只有来自第二代领导的人才有资格担任主席和总理,而高级领导人将仍然从事人民运动。
We meandered through the park. 我们迂回地穿越了公园。
We measure our LoadFactor, which relates elapsed time to developers' estimates of difficulty. 我们测量我们的负载系数,这个系数和逝去的时间和开发者对问题难度的估计有关。
We measure the absolute and relative disparity of regional economy firstly in Shandong province by GDP per person.Secondly,the authors build the index system to appreciate the comprehensive disparity of regional economy in Shandong province.And we select 用人均GDP指标测度了山东省区域经济的绝对差异、相对差异,同时建立了评价山东省区域经济综合差异的指标体系,采用因子分析法分析了山东省的区际差异,然后根据其综合评价值进行分类,将全省分为5大等级区.
We measured female visual responses to paired males placed, alternately, behind UV-blocking and UV-transmitting Plexiglas partitions. 我们以无紫外线照射和紫外线照射的两种环境,测试母鱼和公鱼的配对反应。

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