Without a good business management,the enterprise will not come to flourish.
没有良好的经营管理,事业就不会兴旺发达。 |
Without a guide, most hikers would probably not be able to find the entrance of this cave, but once inside there await some magnificent stalactite formations.
如果没有人带路,根本不晓得怎麽来到这个洞口,往下走,会是一处让人赞叹大自然奇妙的钟乳石奇景。 |
Without a healthy self-esteem they may cope by acting out problems rather than talking them out or by withdrawing and remaining indifferent toward themselves and others.
本句的意思是:“然而,如果孩子成长过程中没有得到爱,没有感觉自我的价值,他们就会觉得自己不讨人喜欢,毫无用处,总预想自己会被别人欺骗,利用和看不起。” |
Without a high population density, the city could not perform its functions as a city.
缺乏人口的高密度,城市就不能发挥其作用。 |
Without a junior college degree, the general representative or chief representative shall have a work experience above 10 years in the insurance business.
总代表和首席代表不具备大学专科以上学历的,应当具备10年以上保险从业经历。 |
Without a license you are not allowed to drive a car.
司机必须要有驾驶证才准开车。 |
Without a major raw material lode, Taiwan is dependent on foreign raw materials in order to sustain a flourishing economy, according to the documentary.
台湾没有主要的原材料矿脉,所以只能依靠进口原材料以维持繁荣的经济,纪录片如是说。 |
Without a more flexible exchange rate, there is a growing risk that China's sizzling economy will boil over.
没有一个更灵活的汇率机制,中国已经烧开的经济溢出的危险将会增大。 |
Without a receptacle, these creative cosmic rays would create chaos and confusion.
如果没有一个容器,这些创造性的宇宙射线将引起混乱和无秩序。 |
Without a sense of your fault, how can repentance and amendment be expected?
如果对自己的错误都不能认识到,怎么能指望你会悔改呢? |
Without a survey report issued by a respectable public surveyor to support your claim,we can't take your claim into consideration.
如果没有知名的公正行出具的调查报告支持你们的索赔,我们对你方的索赔不予考虑。 |