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Using improper sports training techniques or equipment.

Using his small size to his advantage, he can render himself invisible, enabling him to stab his enemies in the back. 运用他小型身躯的优点,他能使自己隐形并从背后偷袭他的敌人。
Using his spark-gap transmitter, a mild-mannered 31-year-old physics professor demonstrates electromagnetic phenomena to students in a dimly lit classroom at the University of Karlsruhe in Germany. 德国卡斯鲁大学灯光昏暗的教室里,一位温文儒雅的物理学教授,利用火花放电发送机,向学生示範电磁现象。
Using hush money in achieving one\'s personal goal is unethical. (想要达到个人目标而秘密行贿,是不道德的。)
Using import steel belt transport it, lower voice, high precision. 采用进口钢带进行传动,声音小,精度高。
Using imported Liquid acrylic acid resins and advanced manufacturing technologies, the construction of this product is simple. 本品采用进口热塑性丙烯酸树脂及泰国先进制漆技术制造。
Using improper sports training techniques or equipment. 使用不适当的体育训练技术或设备.
Using in situ formation of ternary boride base cermets hard phases through chemical reactions and sinterbonding onto steel substrates though liquid sintering we successfully prepared a kind of ternary boride base cermet. 摘要通过化学反应将原料粉来生成三元硼化物硬质相并通过液相烧结烧与钢很好的结合,用这种工艺成功地在钢基体上涂覆了预压制的三元硼化物基金属陶瓷。
Using in social, harmony means foxy, but if it's used in art,then the artware being wonderful, just like beijing's ancient building, painting, statue and so on. 应用于世俗,和谐有时意味着狡猾,但是运用于艺术领域,很多东西便被赋予了神奇的力量,譬如北京的古建筑、字画及雕刻等。
Using income data produces higher estimates of inequality in developing countries because it tends to understate the well-being of self-employed and agricultural workers, who are generally the poorest. 在发展中国家,利用收入数据计算会导致不平等水平的高估,因为它往往对个体户和农民的安乐情况有所保留,这些人又通常是最贫穷的。
Using individual hydraulic prop in thin coal seam face is better than the others in the aspect of support strength,premary supporting force,shrink amount and safety. 在薄煤层工作面中使用单体液压支柱,在支护强度、初撑力、可缩量、安全保障及操作人员安全上,都优于其它单体支护材料。
Using industrial PC and movement controller combined,using VB Language program,make up of the NC system that is 4axis gang rotary burrs grinding,that carry out the machining technics of rotary burrs grinding,that ensure the process quality and increased w 利用工控机与运动控制卡的结合,采用VB语言编程,构成四轴联动刃磨旋转锉的数控系统,完全实现了旋转锉的数控刃磨加工工艺,保证了加工质量,提高了工作效率。

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