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Disappearance of the Arctic pack would enable the largest tanker to reach there.

Disagree with the person you fear most. 与你最害怕的人发生分歧。
Disagreement reached such a pitch that we thought a fight would break out. 分歧到这种程度,以致于我们认为会爆发一场打斗。
Disagreements threatened to wreck the peace talks, but the president's intervention saved the situation. 讲和谈判因意见分歧危如累卵, 而会长从中斡旋方转危为安.
Disagreements, conflicts and compromises are a part of what it means to be human. 意见观点不一直,冲突,妥协是每个人人生的一部分。
Disallow cyclic references between assemblies. 不允许在程序集中循环引用。
Disappearance of the Arctic pack would enable the largest tanker to reach there. 北冰洋的冰雪消融将会使最大的油轮驶抵那里。
Disappearing time is 1-7 days for blue or white ink and 2-14 days for Pink or Violet ink. 颜色有紫色、粉红色、深蓝色、白色等。紫色和粉红色一般在1-14天内自动消失;深蓝色和白色一般在1-7天内自动消失。
Disappointed at the examination results, the top student sat there in stony silence. 对考试结果很失望,那位尖子生一言不发地坐在那儿。
Disappointed at the way in which, so soon after breaking off talks with the club, he had signed a deal worth $250 million (about £130 million) with the Los Angeles Galaxy, Real tried to sweep the former England captain under the carpet. 令人失望的是,在和俱乐部谈崩之后,他那么快就和洛杉矶银河签下了价值2.5亿美元的合同,皇马曾想把这位英格兰前队长一扫把扫到地毯底下。
Disappointed for a loss and average performance. 如果输了而且只是表现一般,“失望”。
Disappointment is a depression caused by the nonfulfilment of greed which is coextensive with selfishness. 与自私自利不相伯仲/半斤八两/大同小异的贪婪?

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